The Master and Margarita


Mikhail Bulgakov

Grigory Danilovich Rimsky Character Analysis

Rimsky is the financial director of the Variety theater. He tries to find out where Styopa has gone but nearly meets a terrible end when Hella and Varenukha, now a vampire, try to attack him in his office. He is saved by the crowing of a cockerel, signaling the dawn and the necessary escape of the undead Hella and Varenukha. Rimsky subsequently flees Moscow for Leningrad, seemingly having aged by decades.
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Grigory Danilovich Rimsky Character Timeline in The Master and Margarita

The timeline below shows where the character Grigory Danilovich Rimsky appears in The Master and Margarita. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 7. A Naughty Apartment
...Styopa is amazed to see his signature on there, alongside that of the Variety findirector,” Rimsky. Woland’s signature is on there too, verifying his receipt of ten thousand roubles. (full context)
Styopa decides to telephone Rimsky to check if what Woland says is true. Rimsky confirms that Styopa had indeed approved... (full context)
Chapter 10. News from Yalta
Around the same time as Nikanor’s arrest, Rimsky, the financial director of the Variety Theatre and, Varenukha, its administrator, are sitting in the... (full context)
...claiming to be Director Likhodeev (Styopa) has been detained in Yalta as a “mental case.” Rimsky and Varenukha assume this to be some kind of prank. (full context)
...another telegram, which begs that they believe the first and mentions “Woland” and “hypnosis,” asking Rimsky and Varenukha to confirm the man in Yalta is Styopa. The two men are baffled,... (full context)
To Rimsky and Varenukha’s amazement, a third telegram then arrives with a piece of photographic paper clearly... (full context)
Rimsky decides to call Yalta but notices that the telephone line is broken. He puts all... (full context)
Utterly perplexed, Rimsky receives yet another telegram, this time asking for five hundred roubles and saying that Styopa... (full context)
Chapter 12. Black Magic and Its Exposure
...auditorium, the Giulli family open up for Woland’s performance with their cycling trapeze act. Meanwhile, Rimsky, still in the office, wonders why Varenukha has been gone so long. (full context)
A messenger informs Rimsky that Woland has arrived, and Rimsky goes to meet him backstage. He finds Woland sitting... (full context)
Chapter 14. Glory to the Cock!
Rimsky, flabbergasted by what’s just happened in the theater, sits in his office, staring at the... (full context)
Rimsky is about to call for help when the telephone rings. An ominous female voice tells... (full context)
Varenukha seems strange to Rimsky. When Rimsky questions him on why he hadn’t returned earlier, Varenukha spins him a story... (full context)
Growing suspicious, Rimsky scrutinizes Varenukha, who is trying to hide his face with a hat as he speaks.... (full context)
With Varenukha levitating by the door, Hella, who Rimsky notices shows the putrid signs of being dead, tries to squirm her way into the... (full context)
Chapter 17. An Unquiet Day
...the Variety theater wanting to buy tickets for Woland’s next performance that evening. With Styopa, Rimsky, and Varenukha all missing, the Variety’s bookkeeper, Vassily Stepanovich Lastochkin, is surprised to find himself... (full context)
Chapter 27. The End of Apartment no. 50 have vanished, along with the top tier staff of the Variety theater. They find Rimsky hiding in a hotel room wardrobe in Leningrad, but he is too scared to talk... (full context)
...full moon. Styopa moves to another town and becomes the manager of a food store. Rimsky takes a job at a children’s marionette theater, still afraid of the Variety. All of... (full context)