The Most Dangerous Game


Richard Connell

Ivan is General Zaroff’s servant, a fellow Cossack, and lives with him on the island. He is the first person Rainsford meets when he knocks on Zaroff’s front door. Ivan is an extremely large, powerful looking man, and he is deaf and mute. Zaroff employs him to assist in the manhunts and to intimidate those who resist being hunted with threats of torture, as Ivan was previously a professional torturer for the Russian Czar. Near the end of the story, the reader can assume that Rainsford kills Ivan with a knife booby-trap. Both the narrator and Zaroff’s treatment of Ivan throughout the story indicate that neither viewed Ivan, a disabled man, as fully human but instead more akin to a large guard dog. He is often described in a way that lumps him in with the hunting dogs, and he dies while leading their leashes. After he dies, Zaroff is irritated at the inconvenience of being without a bodyguard rather than grieved for the human loss.
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Ivan Character Timeline in The Most Dangerous Game

The timeline below shows where the character Ivan appears in The Most Dangerous Game. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
The Most Dangerous Game
...more elegant man appears and introduces himself as General Zaroff and the large man as Ivan, his servant who is deaf and mute. (full context)
...that the men can choose to participate in his game or be handed over to Ivan, who was a professional torturer for the Russian Czar. (full context)
...with him, and Zaroff gives him the choice between being hunted or being given to Ivan. Excited to have pulled Rainsford into his game, Zaroff toasts to finally having an adversary... (full context)
At daybreak, Rainsford wakes to the sound of baying dogs and sees Zaroff and Ivan drawing nearer. Considering his options, Rainsford creates another trap using a tree sapling and his... (full context)
While eating dinner that evening, Zaroff feels annoyed about having to replace Ivan and that Rainsford didn’t stick around to fight or be killed. He enjoys the material... (full context)