The Mysterious Benedict Society


Trenton Lee Stewart

Jillson Character Analysis

Jillson works as an Executive at the Institute, and she usually appears with her fellow Executive Jackson. Like Jackson, Jillson came to work for Mr. Curtain as a “special recruit.” She is hinted to be more competent than her partner, as she carries out more duties on her own than he does. She is the one who catches Sticky cheating on a quiz and brings him to the Waiting Room; she also teaches the lesson about “bad governments” that primes the children to be susceptible to the word association hidden in Mr. Curtain’s subliminal messages. When Martina Crowe is promoted to Executive, the two occasionally work as a pair, and the two of them become a serious threat when they discover Kate’s identity as a spy.
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Jillson Character Timeline in The Mysterious Benedict Society

The timeline below shows where the character Jillson appears in The Mysterious Benedict Society. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 10
...the group’s escorts arrive. The escorts wear matching uniforms and introduce themselves as Jackson and Jillson. Reynie tries to introduce himself, but Jillson cuts him off, which makes Reynie feel foolish. (full context)
Jackson and Jillson lead the children to the dorms, where the boys and girls are forced to separate.... (full context)
Chapter 11
The children return to their rooms to meet Jackson and Jillson, but the Executives arrive more than 30 minutes late. Jillson asks Kate and Constance why... (full context) it as the Free Market Drill, and Constance challenges that it sounds like nonsense. Jillson says that everything sounds like nonsense on some level, and that this is the sort... (full context)
Chapter 12
Jackson and Jillson leave the children alone in a classroom to wait for Mr. Curtain. Kate wonders why... (full context)
Jillson announces Mr. Curtain’s entrance. He comes in on a technologically advanced wheelchair and wears large... (full context)
Chapter 13
...that they are “special recruits” who get extra encouragement to become top students; Jackson and Jillson were special recruits themselves. When Sticky asks what makes special recruits special, S.Q. chokes on... (full context)
Chapter 16
In class, Jillson lectures about the dangers of “bad government,” and explains that all the current governments in... (full context)
Chapter 22
The next day, Jillson catches Sticky cheating. She drags him to the Waiting Room while the other children boo... (full context)
Chapter 24
...friends congratulate him on the way to lunch. In the corridor, they overhear Jackson and Jillson discussing a Messenger who has been blamed for spying in the gym. The Executives are... (full context) revealed why a new spot has opened up: Martina comes in with Jackson and Jillson, dressed as an Executive. (full context)
Chapter 27
...this, and Reynie points out that Mr. Benedict must have used his telescope to see Jillson bringing Sticky into a secret passage to the Waiting Room. Sticky tears up at the... (full context)
Chapter 33
...students eat, and he is hopeful about their plan. His optimism is quashed, though, when Jillson approaches their table. She explains that S.Q. found a note, but it was destroyed before... (full context)
Chapter 35
...find her path blocked by Martina Crowe. Kate turns and runs away, leaving Martina confused. Jillson joins Martina, and both Executives are suspicious. Martina identifies the distant beeping as Morse code,... (full context)
...two Executives (one of whom is S.Q.) catch up to them, and Martina, Jackson, and Jillson run out of the building toward them. Kate keeps running up a hill, but once... (full context)