The Other Wes Moore


Wes Moore

Ray Character Analysis

Ray is the boyfriend of a girl Wes sleeps with, who subsequently gets into a fight with Wes. After summoning his boys, Wes chases Ray downs the street shooting at him. Ray is shot in the shoulder, although he recovers quickly. Wes is sent to a juvenile detention facility for six months for his involvement in the shooting.
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Ray Character Timeline in The Other Wes Moore

The timeline below shows where the character Ray appears in The Other Wes Moore. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 5: Lost
...two creep down to the front door only to find an angry older teenager named Ray waiting out on the street. Ray first yells at the girl (his girlfriend) before coming... (full context)
...arrest him while Mary shouts at him through tears. Mary asks him if he shot Ray, but Wes does not reply. Just as the police car pulls away, Wes tries to... (full context)
Chapter 6: Hunted
...White Boy and Wes, who dropped out two years ago. After being arrested for shooting Ray, Wes was lucky; Ray sustained only a minor injury and Wes was tried in a... (full context)