The Other Wes Moore


Wes Moore

Shea is a friend of Moore’s from the Bronx who gets involved in the drug game at a young age. When Moore is at Valley Forge, Justin tells him that Shea has been arrested for possession with intent to distribute and is thus likely to go to prison for a long time.
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Shea Character Timeline in The Other Wes Moore

The timeline below shows where the character Shea appears in The Other Wes Moore. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 4: Marking Territory
...some of his friends have started working as “runners” for drug dealers, including his friend Shea. All the kids have a “tag,” which they spray-paint around the neighborhood; Moore’s is “KK,”... (full context)
...even his friendship with his crew is “contingent” and flimsy. While Moore grows increasingly distressed, Shea seems “cocky and smug.” The police officer gives the boys a stern lecture, warning them... (full context)
Chapter 5: Lost
...from those around him. It is a different kind of respect than that inspired by Shea and other drug dealers, which more closely resembles intimidation. Moore later learns that the previous... (full context)
Chapter 6: Hunted
...12, warned Justin to stay away from Moore. In the letter, Justin informs Moore that Shea has been arrested for possession with the intent to distribute, a charge that could put... (full context)