The Overstory


Richard Powers

Henry Fallows Character Analysis

Henry Fallows is the senior scientist at the Dreier Research Station in the Cascades. Along with his research partner, Jason, he meets Patricia in the forest one day and is the first person to recognize her and tell her that her past research has been vindicated. Henry later adds Patricia to his station and puts her on a grant.
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Henry Fallows Character Timeline in The Overstory

The timeline below shows where the character Henry Fallows appears in The Overstory. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 1: Roots—Patricia Westerford
...has now been vindicated. Patricia clearly doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Introducing himself as Henry and his companion as Jason, the man invites Patricia back to their research station to... (full context)
Soon after, Patricia is working with Henry Fallows, Jason, and several other researchers in the Cascades, where she finally feels part of... (full context)
Henry Fallows wants Patricia to come back with them and teach at Corvallis, but she says... (full context)