The Pilgrim’s Progress

The Pilgrim’s Progress


John Bunyan

The Shining Ones are angels who minister to Christian throughout his travels—for example, giving him new clothes and a sealed roll after he loses his burden of sin at the Cross. A Shining One also disciplines Christian and Hopeful after they heedlessly follow the Flatterer and get caught in a net, but then he lovingly sends them on the correct path. Shining Ones accompany the pilgrims from the River of Death to the Celestial Gate.

Shining Ones Quotes in The Pilgrim’s Progress

The The Pilgrim’s Progress quotes below are all either spoken by Shining Ones or refer to Shining Ones. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Part 1: Beulah, the River of Death, and the Celestial City Quotes

The men then asked, What must we do in the holy place? To whom it was answered, You must there receive the comfort of all your toil, and have joy for all your sorrow; you must reap what you have sown, even the fruit of all your Prayers and Tears, and sufferings for the King by the way. In that place you must wear Crowns of Gold, and enjoy the perpetual sight and vision of the Holy one, for there you shall see him as he is. There also you shall serve him continually with praise, with shouting, and thanksgiving, whom you desired to serve in the World, though with much difficulty, because of the infirmity of your flesh.

Related Characters: Christian (speaker), Hopeful (speaker), Shining Ones (speaker)
Page Number: 164
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Shining Ones Quotes in The Pilgrim’s Progress

The The Pilgrim’s Progress quotes below are all either spoken by Shining Ones or refer to Shining Ones. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Part 1: Beulah, the River of Death, and the Celestial City Quotes

The men then asked, What must we do in the holy place? To whom it was answered, You must there receive the comfort of all your toil, and have joy for all your sorrow; you must reap what you have sown, even the fruit of all your Prayers and Tears, and sufferings for the King by the way. In that place you must wear Crowns of Gold, and enjoy the perpetual sight and vision of the Holy one, for there you shall see him as he is. There also you shall serve him continually with praise, with shouting, and thanksgiving, whom you desired to serve in the World, though with much difficulty, because of the infirmity of your flesh.

Related Characters: Christian (speaker), Hopeful (speaker), Shining Ones (speaker)
Page Number: 164
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