The Pilgrim’s Progress

The Pilgrim’s Progress


John Bunyan

The Pilgrim’s Progress: Part 2: At Gaius’s Inn Quiz 6 questions

Test your knowledge of Part 2: At Gaius’s Inn. Submit your answers to see your results and get feedback.
Why does Gaius mention Antioch as a significant place in Christian's family history?
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In the Bible, it was the first place where followers of Jesus were called Christians
It was known for its large libraries and centers of learning
It was the birthplace of many famous political leaders
It was the site of a major victory in the early Christian church
What advice does Gaius give to Christiana regarding her sons?
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To educate them in different cities around the world
To find good wives for them to ensure the continuation of their lineage
To train them in various trades and professions
To send them on pilgrimages to learn about different cultures
What does Gaius's praise of women reflect about Bunyan's beliefs?
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That women and men are equal as pilgrims in their ability to serve God
That women are naturally more virtuous than men
That only women can truly understand the teachings of Jesus
That women should have higher positions in the church
What does Gaius suggest about the purpose of preaching and ordinances (or sacraments, such as baptism and communion)?
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They are meant to replace the need for personal faith
They serve as temporary measures until better practices are developed
They are preparations for the heavenly feast that Christians will enjoy with God
They are merely traditional practices without deeper significance
What do the nuts represent at Gaius's feast?
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The importance of a nutritious diet
Wealth and prosperity
Hard biblical texts that require careful interpretation
The diversity of God's creation
Why might grace be considered more evident in a younger, more sin-corrupted pilgrim, according to the discussion between Gaius and Honest?
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Because younger pilgrims have less sin to overcome
Because youth naturally possesses more virtue
Because older pilgrims are too set in their ways to change
Because grace shines brighter when it overcomes greater oppositions