The Pilgrim’s Progress

The Pilgrim’s Progress


John Bunyan

The Pilgrim’s Progress: Part 2: Honest and Fearing Quiz 6 questions

Test your knowledge of Part 2: Honest and Fearing. Submit your answers to see your results and get feedback.
What causes the people of Stupidity to become enlightened?
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Their own efforts to seek knowledge and truth
The "Sun of Righteousness" shining on them
The intervention of characters like Great-heart
Their decision to leave the town of Stupidity
How did Fearing's anxieties affect his pilgrimage, according to Honest?
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They enhanced his reputation among other pilgrims
They made his journey easier by helping him avoid dangers
They caused him to turn back and abandon his journey
They prolonged his difficulties, such as his time in the Slough of Despond
What was Fearing's greatest concern during his pilgrimage, according to Great-heart?
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The physical dangers along the way, like lions and the Hill Difficulty
The financial cost of the journey
Being accepted into Heaven at the end of his journey
Finding companions who would stay with him throughout his journey
What does Bunyan suggest is ideal for a pilgrim's mindset on their journey to the Celestial City?
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To trust in God and not be weighed down by guilt or doubt
To be constantly aware of and prepared for physical dangers
To seek redemption through self-inflicted suffering and grief
To depend solely on the guidance of more experienced pilgrims
What characteristic of Mr. Self-will indicates he might be a counterfeit pilgrim?
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His refusal to help other pilgrims on their journey
His ability to quote scripture justifying every action
His insistence on doing exactly what he wanted, regardless of others' advice
His ignorance of the Bible
What lesson does Honest impart based on his observations of different pilgrims?
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The journey's beginning is more important than its end
One encounter with a pilgrim can reveal everything about their fate
All pilgrims eventually achieve the same level of faith and devotion
The ultimate fate of a pilgrim cannot always be discerned from a single encounter