The Princess Bride


William Goldman

Andre the Giant Character Analysis

The seven-foot-tall Frenchman who plays Fezzik in the film version of The Princess Bride. (Note that though he is mentioned in the introductions to the 25th and 30th anniversary editions, he is not an actual character in the novel.) Andre loves his role in the film and according to Goldman, takes it extremely seriously: he goes to Florin to scale the Cliffs of Insanity, just like Fezzik did, and he learns to wrestle groups. Goldman discusses how much he adored Andre in both the introductions to the 25th and 30th anniversary editions. During filming, Goldman says that Andre could often be found watching shots with the children of various crewmembers on his shoulders and head.
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Andre the Giant Character Timeline in The Princess Bride

The timeline below shows where the character Andre the Giant appears in The Princess Bride. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Introduction to the 30th Anniversary Edition
...was involved with shooting The Princess Bride movie. Goldman adored the time he spent with Andre, who played Fezzik. One evening, Andre asked Goldman his opinion on how he was playing... (full context)
Introduction to the 25th Anniversary Edition
...first script reading in London. Everyone is there: Cary Elwes, Robin Wright, Mandy Patinkin, and Andre the Giant. Getting Andre was a struggle; at that time, Andre was wrestling most of... (full context)
At the reading in London, things go smoothly. After lunch, Andre and Mandy Patinkin rehearse some of their scenes and Andre recites his lines very slowly.... (full context)
Buttercup’s Baby: An Explanation
...think it's true, but he says it anyway. Goldman tells the reader that Schwarzenegger and Andre the Giant were friends and relates an anecdote about Andre's sense of humor that he... (full context)