The Princess Bride


William Goldman

Fezzik is a kindhearted Turkish man in the story of The Princess Bride. He's the size of a giant and was the size of an adult by the time he started kindergarten. Despite his size, Fezzik isn't violent and was bullied mercilessly as a child. The one thing that he loves is making up rhymes, which he does both out loud and in his head. When Fezzik's father teaches him to throw a punch and ends up with a broken jaw, he and Fezzik's mother decide to train Fezzik to be a pro wrestler. Fezzik is miserable and scared, as he hates fighting and hates it even more when audiences boo him. After his parents die, Fezzik fights as part of a circus troupe until people start booing him again. Because what Fezzik hates most in the world is being alone, he's distraught when the circus fires him and leaves him in Greenland. There, Vizzini recruits him to be a part of his criminal organization. Though Fezzik enjoys having a friend in Inigo and making Vizzini happy, Vizzini is verbally abusive and tells Fezzik that he's incapable of thinking for himself. This damages Fezzik's already low self-esteem. When Vizzini tells Fezzik to kill Westley, Fezzik demonstrates that he prioritizes fairness over anything else by challenging Westley to a proper fight. He loses and when he comes to later, he forgets the rhyme that Inigo made up for him to remember what he was supposed to do. Fezzik reconnects with Inigo in Florin City and is able to quickly and skillfully soak the brandy out of Inigo's body. In the preparations to storm the castle, Fezzik shows that he's perfectly happy to follow directions. Though he's lost when the heroes split up without a plan, Fezzik shows that he is capable of thinking for himself when he finds Prince Humperdinck's white horses.

Fezzik Quotes in The Princess Bride

The The Princess Bride quotes below are all either spoken by Fezzik or refer to Fezzik. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 5 Quotes

“I just feel better when I know what's going on, that's all,” the Turk mumbled. “People are always thinking I'm so stupid because I'm big and strong and sometimes drool a little when I get excited.”

“The reason people think you're so stupid,” the Sicilian said, “is because you are so stupid. It has nothing to do with your drooling.”

Related Characters: Fezzik (speaker), Vizzini (speaker), Buttercup, Inigo Montoya
Page Number: 101
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“I can feel him,” Fezzik said. “His body weight on the rope.”

“He'll never catch up!” the Sicilian cried. “Inconceivable!”

“You keep using that word!” the Spaniard snapped. “I don't think it means what you think it does.”

Related Characters: Fezzik (speaker), Inigo Montoya (speaker), Vizzini (speaker), Westley/Farm Boy/The Man in Black, Buttercup
Page Number: 114
Explanation and Analysis:

He might also have whispered heavable thievable weavable but that was as far as he got before the Sicilian started talking again, and that always meant he had to pay very strict attention. Nothing angered the hunchback as quickly as catching Fezzik thinking. Since he barely imagined someone like Fezzik capable of thought, he never asked what was on his mind, because he couldn't have cared less.

Related Characters: Fezzik, Vizzini
Page Number: 153-53
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 6 Quotes

“I understand everything,” he said.

“You understand nothing, but it really doesn't matter, since what you mean is, you're glad to see me, just as I'm glad to see you because no more loneliness.”

“That's what I mean,” said Fezzik.

Related Characters: Fezzik (speaker), Inigo Montoya (speaker), Westley/Farm Boy/The Man in Black
Page Number: 278
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 7 Quotes

“Down is our direction, Fezzik, but I can tell you're a bit edgy about all this, so, out of the goodness of my heart, I will let you walk down not behind me, and not in front of me, but right next to me, on the same step, stride for stride, and you put an arm around my shoulder, because that will probably make you feel better, and I, so as to not make you feel foolish, will put an arm around your shoulder, and thus, safe, protected, together, we will descend.”

Related Characters: Inigo Montoya (speaker), Fezzik
Related Symbols: The Zoo of Death
Page Number: 299
Explanation and Analysis:

“I wish I could remember what it was like when I was dead,” the man in black said. “I'd write it all down. I could make a fortune on a book like that. I can't move my legs either.”

Related Characters: Westley/Farm Boy/The Man in Black (speaker), Fezzik, Inigo Montoya
Page Number: 333
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 8 Quotes

“Fezzik, I need you,” Inigo screamed.

“I'll only be a minute,” Fezzik said, because there were some things you did, no matter what, and when a friend needed help, you helped him.

Related Characters: Fezzik (speaker), Inigo Montoya (speaker)
Page Number: 346
Explanation and Analysis:
Buttercup's Baby: 4. Fezzik Falling Quotes

We've traveled a long way, you and I, from when Buttercup was only among the twenty most beautiful women on earth (because of her potential), riding Horse and taunting the Farm Boy, and Inigo and Fezzik were brought in to kill her. You've written letters, kept in touch, you'll never know how much I appreciate that. I was on the beach at Malibu once, years back, and I saw this young guy with his arm around his girl and they were both wearing T-shirts that said WESTLEY NEVER DIES.

Loved that.

Related Characters: William Goldman (speaker), Westley/Farm Boy/The Man in Black, Buttercup, Fezzik, Inigo Montoya
Page Number: 449
Explanation and Analysis:
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Fezzik Quotes in The Princess Bride

The The Princess Bride quotes below are all either spoken by Fezzik or refer to Fezzik. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 5 Quotes

“I just feel better when I know what's going on, that's all,” the Turk mumbled. “People are always thinking I'm so stupid because I'm big and strong and sometimes drool a little when I get excited.”

“The reason people think you're so stupid,” the Sicilian said, “is because you are so stupid. It has nothing to do with your drooling.”

Related Characters: Fezzik (speaker), Vizzini (speaker), Buttercup, Inigo Montoya
Page Number: 101
Explanation and Analysis:
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“I can feel him,” Fezzik said. “His body weight on the rope.”

“He'll never catch up!” the Sicilian cried. “Inconceivable!”

“You keep using that word!” the Spaniard snapped. “I don't think it means what you think it does.”

Related Characters: Fezzik (speaker), Inigo Montoya (speaker), Vizzini (speaker), Westley/Farm Boy/The Man in Black, Buttercup
Page Number: 114
Explanation and Analysis:

He might also have whispered heavable thievable weavable but that was as far as he got before the Sicilian started talking again, and that always meant he had to pay very strict attention. Nothing angered the hunchback as quickly as catching Fezzik thinking. Since he barely imagined someone like Fezzik capable of thought, he never asked what was on his mind, because he couldn't have cared less.

Related Characters: Fezzik, Vizzini
Page Number: 153-53
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 6 Quotes

“I understand everything,” he said.

“You understand nothing, but it really doesn't matter, since what you mean is, you're glad to see me, just as I'm glad to see you because no more loneliness.”

“That's what I mean,” said Fezzik.

Related Characters: Fezzik (speaker), Inigo Montoya (speaker), Westley/Farm Boy/The Man in Black
Page Number: 278
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 7 Quotes

“Down is our direction, Fezzik, but I can tell you're a bit edgy about all this, so, out of the goodness of my heart, I will let you walk down not behind me, and not in front of me, but right next to me, on the same step, stride for stride, and you put an arm around my shoulder, because that will probably make you feel better, and I, so as to not make you feel foolish, will put an arm around your shoulder, and thus, safe, protected, together, we will descend.”

Related Characters: Inigo Montoya (speaker), Fezzik
Related Symbols: The Zoo of Death
Page Number: 299
Explanation and Analysis:

“I wish I could remember what it was like when I was dead,” the man in black said. “I'd write it all down. I could make a fortune on a book like that. I can't move my legs either.”

Related Characters: Westley/Farm Boy/The Man in Black (speaker), Fezzik, Inigo Montoya
Page Number: 333
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 8 Quotes

“Fezzik, I need you,” Inigo screamed.

“I'll only be a minute,” Fezzik said, because there were some things you did, no matter what, and when a friend needed help, you helped him.

Related Characters: Fezzik (speaker), Inigo Montoya (speaker)
Page Number: 346
Explanation and Analysis:
Buttercup's Baby: 4. Fezzik Falling Quotes

We've traveled a long way, you and I, from when Buttercup was only among the twenty most beautiful women on earth (because of her potential), riding Horse and taunting the Farm Boy, and Inigo and Fezzik were brought in to kill her. You've written letters, kept in touch, you'll never know how much I appreciate that. I was on the beach at Malibu once, years back, and I saw this young guy with his arm around his girl and they were both wearing T-shirts that said WESTLEY NEVER DIES.

Loved that.

Related Characters: William Goldman (speaker), Westley/Farm Boy/The Man in Black, Buttercup, Fezzik, Inigo Montoya
Page Number: 449
Explanation and Analysis: