The Princess Bride


William Goldman

Fezzik's Mother Character Analysis

In The Princess Bride, Fezzik's mother seems to be a perfectly normal Turkish woman. She cares deeply for Fezzik and wants for the other kids to not pick on him, so she and Fezzik's father decide to teach him to fight. Upon seeing Fezzik's strength and potential, she and her husband quit their jobs to train Fezzik to be a pro fighter. They threaten to leave him alone if he doesn't fight, though they do worry that they're pushing him too hard for such a young kid. She and Fezzik's father die in Mongolia after several years of managing Fezzik's fights.
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Fezzik's Mother Character Timeline in The Princess Bride

The timeline below shows where the character Fezzik's Mother appears in The Princess Bride. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter Five: The Announcement
One day, Fezzik's mother and Fezzik's father sit Fezzik down and tell him that they're going to teach him... (full context)
Right before Fezzik's first match, he refuses to go in the ring. Fezzik's mother and Fezzik's father are worried that they're pushing him too far, as he is only... (full context)
Fezzik's mother and Fezzik's father drag Fezzik all over Turkey. At every stop, he wins fights and... (full context)