The Princess Bride


William Goldman

Fezzik's Father Character Analysis

A Turkish carpenter who cares deeply for Fezzik's wellbeing in The Princess Bride. He and Fezzik's mother decide to teach their son to fight. Fezzik's first punch breaks his father's jaw, and he decides to quit his job so he can manage Fezzik's fighting career. He and his wife die in Mongolia.
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Fezzik's Father Character Timeline in The Princess Bride

The timeline below shows where the character Fezzik's Father appears in The Princess Bride. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter Five: The Announcement
One day, Fezzik's mother and Fezzik's father sit Fezzik down and tell him that they're going to teach him to fight. Fezzik... (full context)
Right before Fezzik's first match, he refuses to go in the ring. Fezzik's mother and Fezzik's father are worried that they're pushing him too far, as he is only nine years old,... (full context)
Fezzik's mother and Fezzik's father drag Fezzik all over Turkey. At every stop, he wins fights and then gets booed... (full context)