The Princess Bride


William Goldman

Buttercup and Westley's daughter, introduced in Buttercup's Baby, (she is not present in the original novel, The Princess Bride). She's born via C-section after 50 hours of labor, thanks to something or someone that possesses Fezzik and guides him through performing the procedure. She and Fezzik form a close bond and spend most of their time together. Buttercup's Baby begins and ends with the madman kidnapping Waverly and throwing her off of a cliff, though Goldman notes in earlier introductions that Waverly and Fezzik (who jumps off after her) are saved from their fall by the miraculous appearance of a giant bird.
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Waverly Character Timeline in The Princess Bride

The timeline below shows where the character Waverly appears in The Princess Bride. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Introduction to the 30th Anniversary Edition
...he inexplicably asks Goldman what he thinks of a giant talking bird saving Fezzik and Waverly at the end of the first chapter of Buttercup's Baby. (full context)
Buttercup’s Baby: An Explanation
...think it was important, and King says that this is why he wants to do Buttercup's Baby . Mechanically, Goldman thanks King for his time and starts to leave. King offers to... (full context) farm. He even goes to One Tree Island in a helicopter to see where Waverly was born and lived happily until she was kidnapped. (full context)
Buttercup's Baby: Fezzik Dies
1. Fezzik. Fezzik chases the madman up the mountain. The madman has Waverly, Buttercup's daughter, and Fezzik isn't doing well because he's is having a hard time climbing... (full context)
...and put himself in front of the madman. He demands that the madman hand over Waverly and ignores the madman's threats of using magic. As the madman starts to hand Waverly... (full context)
Buttercup's Baby: 3. Buttercup and Westley draw attention to what Morgenstern is doing by first offering the chapter in which Waverly gets kidnapped, then presenting the Unexplained Inigo Fragment where he (supposedly) says the kidnapping is... (full context)
...cord around its neck. Fezzik skillfully makes a cut in Buttercup's belly and pulls out Waverly. (full context)
Buttercup's Baby: 4. Fezzik Falling
As Fezzik falls after Waverly, he sees the rocks at the bottom. He kicks in the air and starts getting... (full context)
Going back to right after Waverly's birth, Morgenstern explains that Waverly and Fezzik are strangely connected. Fezzik knows when Waverly is... (full context)
Returning to Fezzik and Waverly falling, Fezzik reaches Waverly and pulls her close. He reasons that if he lets his... (full context)