The Princess Bride


William Goldman

Vizzini Character Analysis

Vizzini is a Sicilian criminal in the story of The Princess Bride. While others describe him as having a hunchback, Morgenstern describes Vizzini as a bit misshapen and with legs that are two different lengths. Because of Vizzini's physical deformities, he has dedicated himself to developing his brain and thinks of himself as extremely intelligent. After he recruits Inigo and Fezzik, Vizzini forms the criminal organization The Sicilian Crowd. Prince Humperdinck hires him to kidnap Buttercup and kill her on the Guilder frontier. During the kidnapping, however, Vizzini's intelligence comes into question. He deems it "inconceivable" that anyone could follow them and refuses to acknowledge the clear evidence that Westley is indeed following them. Both Inigo and Fezzik engage in mental gymnastics so that they don't anger Vizzini by questioning his intelligence, though they see the truth of the situation. He's extremely cruel to Fezzik in particular and continually tells Fezzik that he's not even capable of thought. Vizzini meets his downfall when Westley challenges him to a battle of wits surrounding a poisoned wine goblet. Vizzini cheats during the battle but dies anyway, because Westley had filled both goblets with a poison to which he himself is immune.

Vizzini Quotes in The Princess Bride

The The Princess Bride quotes below are all either spoken by Vizzini or refer to Vizzini. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 5 Quotes

“I just feel better when I know what's going on, that's all,” the Turk mumbled. “People are always thinking I'm so stupid because I'm big and strong and sometimes drool a little when I get excited.”

“The reason people think you're so stupid,” the Sicilian said, “is because you are so stupid. It has nothing to do with your drooling.”

Related Characters: Fezzik (speaker), Vizzini (speaker), Buttercup, Inigo Montoya
Page Number: 101
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“I can feel him,” Fezzik said. “His body weight on the rope.”

“He'll never catch up!” the Sicilian cried. “Inconceivable!”

“You keep using that word!” the Spaniard snapped. “I don't think it means what you think it does.”

Related Characters: Fezzik (speaker), Inigo Montoya (speaker), Vizzini (speaker), Westley/Farm Boy/The Man in Black, Buttercup
Page Number: 114
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He might also have whispered heavable thievable weavable but that was as far as he got before the Sicilian started talking again, and that always meant he had to pay very strict attention. Nothing angered the hunchback as quickly as catching Fezzik thinking. Since he barely imagined someone like Fezzik capable of thought, he never asked what was on his mind, because he couldn't have cared less.

Related Characters: Fezzik, Vizzini
Page Number: 153-53
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Vizzini Quotes in The Princess Bride

The The Princess Bride quotes below are all either spoken by Vizzini or refer to Vizzini. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 5 Quotes

“I just feel better when I know what's going on, that's all,” the Turk mumbled. “People are always thinking I'm so stupid because I'm big and strong and sometimes drool a little when I get excited.”

“The reason people think you're so stupid,” the Sicilian said, “is because you are so stupid. It has nothing to do with your drooling.”

Related Characters: Fezzik (speaker), Vizzini (speaker), Buttercup, Inigo Montoya
Page Number: 101
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“I can feel him,” Fezzik said. “His body weight on the rope.”

“He'll never catch up!” the Sicilian cried. “Inconceivable!”

“You keep using that word!” the Spaniard snapped. “I don't think it means what you think it does.”

Related Characters: Fezzik (speaker), Inigo Montoya (speaker), Vizzini (speaker), Westley/Farm Boy/The Man in Black, Buttercup
Page Number: 114
Explanation and Analysis:

He might also have whispered heavable thievable weavable but that was as far as he got before the Sicilian started talking again, and that always meant he had to pay very strict attention. Nothing angered the hunchback as quickly as catching Fezzik thinking. Since he barely imagined someone like Fezzik capable of thought, he never asked what was on his mind, because he couldn't have cared less.

Related Characters: Fezzik, Vizzini
Page Number: 153-53
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