The Princess Bride


William Goldman

In The Princess Bride, Yeste is an old friend of Domingo Montoya and a skilled sword maker, though not as skilled as Domingo. He's a fat and wealthy man who does well for himself making swords in Madrid. Occasionally, he takes a job that is too difficult, at which point he begs Domingo to secretly make the sword for him and Domingo agrees. After Count Rugen kills Domingo, Yeste cares for young Inigo for two years until Inigo runs away. When Inigo returns ten years later, Yeste declares him a fencing wizard, which is the next level up from a fencing master. Inigo explains that he trained with others because he knew that the kind Yeste wouldn't push him for fear of hurting his ego.
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Yeste Character Timeline in The Princess Bride

The timeline below shows where the character Yeste appears in The Princess Bride. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter Five: The Announcement
...maker, but everyone who wants a masterpiece of a sword goes to Madrid to visit Yeste, who's famous and an excellent sword maker as well. However, when Yeste gets an order... (full context)
...and then cuts a vertical line down each side of Inigo's face. Inigo lives with Yeste for two years and then runs away, leaving a note that he “has to learn.” (full context)
Yeste makes swords for the next ten years and grows very fat and rich. At that... (full context)
Buttercup's Baby: 2. Inigo the “king of the mind” and has heard of Inigo, as he's heard that Yeste sometimes takes difficult jobs to Domingo Montoya. Piccoli secretly wants to see the six-fingered sword.... (full context)