The Princess Bride


William Goldman

Goldman's son. When the reader first meets Jason in the introduction to The Princess Bride, he's an unhappy, serious, and overweight ten-year-old. While Goldman wants to be close to his son, the only way he knows how is by showering Jason with gifts. It's especially difficult for Goldman when Jason doesn't like The Princess Bride, which he receives for his tenth birthday. Jason's behavior at this point shows that he desperately wants Goldman to like him, but he's not sure how to connect with his father. Goldman details in the introduction to Buttercup's Baby (which is not part of the original novel) that five years later, when Jason is fifteen, he finally confides in Goldman that he's unhappy with his weight. Once Goldman shows Jason kindness, Jason blossoms: he has a growth spurt, loses weight, and becomes very handsome. He grows up to be a sex therapist and marries Peggy. He and Peggy name their son, Willy, after Goldman.

Jason Quotes in The Princess Bride

The The Princess Bride quotes below are all either spoken by Jason or refer to Jason. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Prologue Quotes

The more I flipped on, the more I knew: Morgenstern wasn't writing any children's book; he was writing a kind of satiric history of his country and the decline of the monarchy in Western civilization.

But my father only read me the action stuff, the good parts. He never bothered with the serious side at all.

Related Characters: William Goldman (speaker), Goldman's Father, Jason, S. Morgenstern
Page Number: 30
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Jason Quotes in The Princess Bride

The The Princess Bride quotes below are all either spoken by Jason or refer to Jason. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Prologue Quotes

The more I flipped on, the more I knew: Morgenstern wasn't writing any children's book; he was writing a kind of satiric history of his country and the decline of the monarchy in Western civilization.

But my father only read me the action stuff, the good parts. He never bothered with the serious side at all.

Related Characters: William Goldman (speaker), Goldman's Father, Jason, S. Morgenstern
Page Number: 30
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