The Razor’s Edge

The Razor’s Edge


W. Somerset Maugham

Suzanne Rouvier Character Analysis

Suzanne Rouvier is an acquaintance of Somerset. Somerset is surprised to learn that Suzanne also knows Larry. Larry and Suzanne once spent a month together—along with Suzanne’s daughter Odette—in the French countryside, during which Larry and Suzanne carried on an affair. Suzanne generally moves from relationship to relationship, often with painters, to whom she operates as a kind of muse. Ultimately, she marries a wealthy businessman and begins her own career as a painter.

Suzanne Rouvier Quotes in The Razor’s Edge

The The Razor’s Edge quotes below are all either spoken by Suzanne Rouvier or refer to Suzanne Rouvier. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Wisdom and the Meaning of Life Theme Icon
Part 4, Chapter 9 Quotes

“Larry is, I think, the only person I’ve met who’s completely disinterested. It makes his actions seem peculiar. We’re not used to people who do things simply for the love of God whom they don’t believe in.”

Related Characters: Somerset (speaker), Larry , Suzanne Rouvier
Page Number: 184
Explanation and Analysis:
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Suzanne Rouvier Quotes in The Razor’s Edge

The The Razor’s Edge quotes below are all either spoken by Suzanne Rouvier or refer to Suzanne Rouvier. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Wisdom and the Meaning of Life Theme Icon
Part 4, Chapter 9 Quotes

“Larry is, I think, the only person I’ve met who’s completely disinterested. It makes his actions seem peculiar. We’re not used to people who do things simply for the love of God whom they don’t believe in.”

Related Characters: Somerset (speaker), Larry , Suzanne Rouvier
Page Number: 184
Explanation and Analysis: