The Shadow of the Wind

The Shadow of the Wind


Carlos Ruiz Zafón

Antonio Fortuny Character Analysis

Fortuny is the father with whom Carax grows up, although Fortuny knows even before his birth that he’s not Carax’s biological father. Fortuny is a narrow-minded and dogmatically religious man who tries to mold Carax in his own image and quickly becomes embittered when it’s clear that Carax is a very different person. As a man, he should be his family’s most powerful figure, but his wife Sophie subverts him by sleeping with another man, and his son’s intelligence and creativity places him out of his control; Fortuny takes out his spite by frequently beating his wife. It’s only as an old man, when he learns to see fatherhood not as an exercise in control but in unconditional love, that he reconciles with Carax. After his son returns to Barcelona, Fortuny redeems himself by helping him search for Penélope and sheltering him from the police.

Antonio Fortuny Quotes in The Shadow of the Wind

The The Shadow of the Wind quotes below are all either spoken by Antonio Fortuny or refer to Antonio Fortuny. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
City of Shadows: Chapter 16 Quotes

Sophie refused to reveal the identity of the child’s father…Antoni Fortuny decided that it must be the devil, for that child was the child of sin, and sin had only one father: the One. Convinced in this manner that it had sneaked into his home and also between his wife’s thighs, the hatter took to hanging crucifixes everywhere…

Related Characters: Julián Carax, Ricardo Aldaya (Mr. Aldaya), Antonio Fortuny, Sophie Carax
Related Symbols: Angels and Devils
Page Number: 126
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Nuria Monfort: Chapter 8 Quotes

The hatter…had no doubt that Penélope was that love in his son’s life. Without realizing it, he thought that if he helped him recover her, perhaps he, too, would recover some part of what he had lost, that void that weighed on his bones like a curse.

Related Characters: Nuria Monfort (speaker), Julián Carax, Penélope Aldaya, Antonio Fortuny
Page Number: 407
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Antonio Fortuny Quotes in The Shadow of the Wind

The The Shadow of the Wind quotes below are all either spoken by Antonio Fortuny or refer to Antonio Fortuny. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
City of Shadows: Chapter 16 Quotes

Sophie refused to reveal the identity of the child’s father…Antoni Fortuny decided that it must be the devil, for that child was the child of sin, and sin had only one father: the One. Convinced in this manner that it had sneaked into his home and also between his wife’s thighs, the hatter took to hanging crucifixes everywhere…

Related Characters: Julián Carax, Ricardo Aldaya (Mr. Aldaya), Antonio Fortuny, Sophie Carax
Related Symbols: Angels and Devils
Page Number: 126
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Nuria Monfort: Chapter 8 Quotes

The hatter…had no doubt that Penélope was that love in his son’s life. Without realizing it, he thought that if he helped him recover her, perhaps he, too, would recover some part of what he had lost, that void that weighed on his bones like a curse.

Related Characters: Nuria Monfort (speaker), Julián Carax, Penélope Aldaya, Antonio Fortuny
Page Number: 407
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