The Shadow of the Wind

The Shadow of the Wind


Carlos Ruiz Zafón

Enrique Palacios Character Analysis

Palacios is one of Fumero’s hired thugs, helping him kill Nuria and trailing Daniel at various points. However, he lacks Fumero’s appetite for brutality and is clearly dubious about his job; his reticence in the final combat at the Aldaya mansion facilitates Fumero’s death. Palacios’s ambivalence blurs the line between hero and villain and is a reminder that even government “oppressors” can be ordinary and conflicted individuals.
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Enrique Palacios Character Timeline in The Shadow of the Wind

The timeline below shows where the character Enrique Palacios appears in The Shadow of the Wind. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
City of Shadows: Chapter 43
...officer pulls up in a car and offers him a ride, introducing himself as Enrique Palacios. (full context)
Palacios says he’s sorry about Nuria’s death and wants to help Daniel, but Daniel sees this... (full context)
The Shadow of the Wind: Chapter 4
Just at that moment, Palacios enters the house and Fumero frees himself from the wall. Palacios wants to let Daniel... (full context)
Postmortem and even Fermín is convinced he will die. During the ambulance ride, Bea and Palacios cradled him and his heart stopped for over a minute, and Daniel thinks he has... (full context)
Dramatis Personae
No one remembers Inspector Fumero. Palacios tells Daniel that a plaque was placed in the police station basement, but it’s now... (full context)