The Shadow of the Wind

The Shadow of the Wind


Carlos Ruiz Zafón

Daniel meets Fermín when he’s a homeless man living near the Barceló apartment; on a hunch Daniel offers him a job at the bookshop, and Fermín turns out to have an encyclopedic knowledge of literature and a rare ability to track down books. Flamboyant, excitable, and enthusiastic, Fermín soon becomes a father figure to Daniel, a fun-loving alternative to the sad and serious Mr. Sempere. Daniel asks Fermín for assistance in his investigations long before he confides in his father, which causes some tension with Mr. Sempere. Fermín is particularly loquacious when giving Daniel unwanted advice on his love life, often making troubling generalizations about women and how best to seduce them. However, his hypothetical misogyny is somewhat balanced by his genuine love for Bernarda, the Barcelós’ maid, with whom he eventually settles down. Well acquainted with Barcelona’s seedy underside, Fermín is always introducing Daniel to hidden corners of the city. He reflects and represents the city’s manifold energies and resilience; however, like the city, he’s also shaped by the trauma of his experiences during the Civil War, when he was jailed as a political subversive.

Fermín Quotes in The Shadow of the Wind

The The Shadow of the Wind quotes below are all either spoken by Fermín or refer to Fermín. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
City of Shadows: Chapter 28 Quotes

He didn’t tell me any of that because he knew that the miracle happened only once…A thousand times I’ve wanted to recover that first afternoon with Bea in the rambling house of Avenida del Tibidabo…

Related Characters: Daniel Sempere (speaker), Fermín, Beatriz (“Bea”) Aguilar
Page Number: 241
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City of Shadows: Chapter 31 Quotes

“Look, the one thing that really pisses me off is people who stir up the shit from the past!” Fumero cried out. “Things from the past have to be left alone, do you understand?”

Related Characters: Inspector Javier Fumero (speaker), Daniel Sempere, Fermín
Page Number: 282
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Fermín Quotes in The Shadow of the Wind

The The Shadow of the Wind quotes below are all either spoken by Fermín or refer to Fermín. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
City of Shadows: Chapter 28 Quotes

He didn’t tell me any of that because he knew that the miracle happened only once…A thousand times I’ve wanted to recover that first afternoon with Bea in the rambling house of Avenida del Tibidabo…

Related Characters: Daniel Sempere (speaker), Fermín, Beatriz (“Bea”) Aguilar
Page Number: 241
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City of Shadows: Chapter 31 Quotes

“Look, the one thing that really pisses me off is people who stir up the shit from the past!” Fumero cried out. “Things from the past have to be left alone, do you understand?”

Related Characters: Inspector Javier Fumero (speaker), Daniel Sempere, Fermín
Page Number: 282
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