The Silence of the Girls


Pat Barker

Uza Character Analysis

Uza is a Trojan captive given as a “prize” slave to Odysseus. Whereas many of the enslaved Trojan women deeply resent the rapes that their captors inflict on them, Uza—a former sex worker who was first raped at age 12—finds her fellow enslaved women naïve and encourages them to use their sexual access to powerful Greek warriors to make their own lives better.
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Uza Character Timeline in The Silence of the Girls

The timeline below shows where the character Uza appears in The Silence of the Girls. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 6
The Effects of Misogyny  Theme Icon
Slavery and Dehumanization Theme Icon
Briseis also meets with the other women given as trophies. Uza belongs to Odysseus, who talks about how much he misses his wife Penelope after sex.... (full context)
The Effects of Misogyny  Theme Icon
Slavery and Dehumanization Theme Icon
Uza begins telling a story of a former favorite of Agamemnon’s, whom he later gave to... (full context)
The Effects of Misogyny  Theme Icon
Honor and Violence Theme Icon
Slavery and Dehumanization Theme Icon
One day, Tecmessa comes to a trophy meeting with finger-shaped bruises on her throat. Uza asks, “Trouble in Paradise?” Tecmessa explains that Ajax has nightmares in which he mistakes her... (full context)
Chapter 9
The Effects of Misogyny  Theme Icon
Slavery and Dehumanization Theme Icon
...Chryseis walking as if in pain. Later, when Ritsa says she feels sorry for Chryseis, Uza retorts that a girl should be able to complete a sexual encounter before a man’s... (full context)
Chapter 14
The Effects of Misogyny  Theme Icon
Honor and Violence Theme Icon
Slavery and Dehumanization Theme Icon
...he agrees to return Chryseis. Chryseis, at Briseis’s side, whispers that he doesn’t mean it. Uza says that Chryseis is an idiot if she wants to go home when Agamemnon likes... (full context)