The Tower


Marghanita Laski

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Neville is a young man from England who has recently married Caroline. As a member of the British Council living in Florence, Neville is heavily immersed in the world of Italian arts and culture. Proud of his position and very pretentious, Neville takes Caroline to privately owned galleries, insisting that she is no “ordinary tourist” and viewing her own plans to visit public galleries with outright contempt. He is fond of lecturing Caroline on historical anecdotes and artistic nuance on their trips, seemingly unaware of her lack of interest. In one gallery, he and Caroline come across the portraits of Niccolo di Ferramano—the tower’s architect—and his wife, Giovanna. While Caroline reacts to the people the portraits represent, expressing remorse for Giovanna’s early death and distaste for Niccolo, Neville views them through a clinical academic lens. He remarks that Giovanna’s portrait is “thought to be the best thing in the collection” before gossiping about the alleged scandal of Niccolo’s involvement in the occult. Although this scene is the only one where Neville makes an appearance, his obsession with art for personal gain and the pressure he puts on Caroline to participate in his pompous hoarding are a driving force throughout the story. It is out of a desire to impress Neville that Caroline enters the tower in the first place—to her own peril.

Neville Quotes in The Tower

The The Tower quotes below are all either spoken by Neville or refer to Neville. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Patriarchy, Control, and Freedom Theme Icon
The Tower Quotes

Triumphantly Caroline lifted her finger from the fine italic type. There was nothing to mar the success of this afternoon. Not only had she taken the car out alone for the first time, driving unerringly on the right-hand side of the road, but what she had achieved was not a simple drive but a cultural excursion. […] how gratifying if she could, at last, have something of her own to contribute to [Neville’s] constantly accumulating hoard of culture.

Related Characters: Caroline, Neville
Page Number: 279
Explanation and Analysis:

Though she could not have admitted it even to herself, Caroline had become almost anaesthetized to Italian art. Dutifully she had followed Neville along the gallery, listening politely while in his light well-bred voice he had told her intimate anecdotes of history, and involuntarily she had let her eyes wander around the room, glancing anywhere but at the particular portrait of Neville’s immediate dissertation.

Related Characters: Caroline, Neville
Page Number: 280
Explanation and Analysis:

Ah, I’m glad you picked that one out. It’s generally thought to be the best thing in the collection—a Bronzino, of course.

Related Characters: Neville (speaker), Caroline, Neville, Giovanna di Ferramano
Page Number: 280
Explanation and Analysis:

Caroline shivered, ‘I don’t like him,’ she said. ‘Let’s look at Giovanna again,’ and they had moved back to the first portrait, and Neville had said casually, ‘Do you know, she’s rather like you.’

Related Characters: Caroline (speaker), Neville (speaker), Caroline, Neville
Page Number: 281
Explanation and Analysis:

Caroline knew that she wanted to take the fork to the left, to Florence and home and Neville and—said an urgent voice inside her—for safety.

Related Characters: Caroline, Neville
Page Number: 281
Explanation and Analysis:
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Neville Quotes in The Tower

The The Tower quotes below are all either spoken by Neville or refer to Neville. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Patriarchy, Control, and Freedom Theme Icon
The Tower Quotes

Triumphantly Caroline lifted her finger from the fine italic type. There was nothing to mar the success of this afternoon. Not only had she taken the car out alone for the first time, driving unerringly on the right-hand side of the road, but what she had achieved was not a simple drive but a cultural excursion. […] how gratifying if she could, at last, have something of her own to contribute to [Neville’s] constantly accumulating hoard of culture.

Related Characters: Caroline, Neville
Page Number: 279
Explanation and Analysis:

Though she could not have admitted it even to herself, Caroline had become almost anaesthetized to Italian art. Dutifully she had followed Neville along the gallery, listening politely while in his light well-bred voice he had told her intimate anecdotes of history, and involuntarily she had let her eyes wander around the room, glancing anywhere but at the particular portrait of Neville’s immediate dissertation.

Related Characters: Caroline, Neville
Page Number: 280
Explanation and Analysis:

Ah, I’m glad you picked that one out. It’s generally thought to be the best thing in the collection—a Bronzino, of course.

Related Characters: Neville (speaker), Caroline, Neville, Giovanna di Ferramano
Page Number: 280
Explanation and Analysis:

Caroline shivered, ‘I don’t like him,’ she said. ‘Let’s look at Giovanna again,’ and they had moved back to the first portrait, and Neville had said casually, ‘Do you know, she’s rather like you.’

Related Characters: Caroline (speaker), Neville (speaker), Caroline, Neville
Page Number: 281
Explanation and Analysis:

Caroline knew that she wanted to take the fork to the left, to Florence and home and Neville and—said an urgent voice inside her—for safety.

Related Characters: Caroline, Neville
Page Number: 281
Explanation and Analysis: