The Uninhabitable Earth


David Wallace-Wells

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Many people consider humanity to be distinct from the natural world and believe that climate change will only affect nature. This is one of the most destructive “fairy tales” about climate change around. Since the advent of industry, humanity has played a huge role in the destruction of the natural world and the warming of the planet. Humanity has seen this destruction as a necessary casualty in order for the human world to conquer the natural one. But in reality, the human world is not distinct from the natural one: humans are “inescapably within and literally overwhelmed by” nature. The natural world and the human one intimately connected, and they depend on one another for survival. Thus, The Uninhabitable Earth suggests that because humans have been responsible for the destruction of the natural world, humanity is responsible for halting that destruction. If the natural world is destroyed, after all, so too will the human one.

First, the book explores how the human world depends on the natural world for survival—and how the natural one’s health is dependent on the human one—in order to show how interconnected the two worlds are. The set of circumstances that allowed human life to begin—let alone to flourish—are almost impossibly narrow. Life is only sustainable due to the “Goldilocks range of temperatures that enclosed all of human evolution”—in other words, humanity would not have evolved were it not for nurturing conditions within the world around us. But now, the book suggests, humans have left that perfect range behind—probably for good. For just 12,000 years of our 200,000-year-long presence on Earth, humans have been farming. In other words, we have been living off of the land. By harnessing the power to sow, cultivate, and reap, human industry was born. People moved from the countryside to cities, formed political structures, and, eventually, created technological advancements. Living off the land allowed social, political, and economic structures to expand and advance—but industrialization and the unimaginable amounts of carbon it’s released has now come to have deeply adverse effects on the very land on which humans depend.

Next, the book outlines how humanity has failed to uphold its end of this symbiotic relationship, directly contributing to the destruction of the natural world and its delicate systems. Just as humans depend on the land to grow the crops that feed us (such as grain and corn) and to feed the animals humans consume as a source of protein, the earth, too, is dependent on what humans do. Increased carbon in the atmosphere and the incessant burning of fossil fuels has forever changed the face of the Earth—and the planet is continuing to warm quickly. As hurricanes flood farmlands and wildfires burn up arable acres across the world, the very regions in which crops can be grown shifts. More and more land is turning to barren desert—the effect, indisputably, of human activity and industry. The oceans, too, are complex symbiotic systems: humans fish in the oceans and depend on deep-sea currents to cool the air. But as humans pollute the atmosphere with particulates and the seas with microplastics, waters warm and sea life dies off, expelling more methane and other toxic gases into the air. Humans cannot survive without the fruits we real from land and sea, but the land and sea cannot survive without human stewardship. This stewardship, care, and healthy cultivation is a duty that humans have long neglected—and some sociologists even go so far as to suggest that the Neolithic Revolution, which eventually led to industrialization, was “the worst mistake in the history of the human race.”

Finally, the book suggests that it is humanity’s responsibility to check this unmitigated destruction—only human action can spare the natural world from descending into chaos via feedback loops engineered by human industry. Industrialization and the truly lethal amount of carbon and other pollution it’s released into the atmosphere has triggered a cascading series of climate systems in crises. From unprecedented natural disasters to irreversible shifts in the delicate climates of various regions around the world, it’s clear that the effects of human-hastened climate change are only getting worse. While many would like to fall back on the only thing that will stop climate change is “when the Earth, probably long after we’re gone, relaxes,” the reality is that the plants and animals with which we share our planet will be casualties of warming, too. Thus, it is humanity’s responsibility, the book posits, to take swift, decisive, overwhelming action to stop emissions, end the normalization of climate disaster, and do all that can be done to preserve what remains of the natural world. The planet’s feedback loops, such as extreme weather events and the albedo effect, are interconnected and ever-compounding—but they wouldn’t be unfolding so quickly or dramatically had human industry not sped up how quickly global temperatures are rising. Nothing at this point, the book suggests, can halt these cycles entirely—but with collective dedication to recognizing our symbiosis with the natural world, humanity can still reclaim the duty of stewardship to this unique, impossible “Pale Blue Dot.”

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Human Responsibility and the Natural World Quotes in The Uninhabitable Earth

Below you will find the important quotes in The Uninhabitable Earth related to the theme of Human Responsibility and the Natural World.
Part I, Cascades Quotes

Many perceive global warming as a sort of moral and economic debt, accumulated since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution and now come due after several centuries. In fact, more than half of the carbon exhaled into the atmosphere by the burning of fossil fuels has been emitted in just the past three decades. Which means we have done as much damage to the fate of the planet and its ability to sustain human life and civilization since Al Gore published his first book on climate than in all the centuries—all the millennia—that came before.

Related Characters: David Wallace-Wells (speaker)
Page Number: 4
Explanation and Analysis:
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But however sanguine you might be about the proposition that we have already ravaged the natural world, which we surely have, it is another thing entirely to consider the possibility that we have only provoked it, engineering first in ignorance and then in denial a climate system that will now go to war with us for many centuries, perhaps until it destroys us. […] You could [call the planet a] "war machine." Each day we arm it more.

Related Characters: David Wallace-Wells (speaker)
Page Number: 22-23
Explanation and Analysis:

The assaults will not be discrete—this is another climate delusion. Instead, they will produce a new kind of cascading violence, waterfalls and avalanches of devastation, the planet pummeled again and again, with increasing intensity and in ways that build on each other and undermine our ability to respond, uprooting much of the landscape we have taken for granted, for centuries…

Related Characters: David Wallace-Wells (speaker)
Related Symbols: Cascades
Page Number: 23
Explanation and Analysis:
Part II, Chapter 1: Heat Death Quotes

This is among the things cosmologists mean when they talk about the utter improbability of anything as advanced as human intelligence evolving anywhere in a universe as inhospitable to life as this one: every uninhabitable planet out there is a reminder of just how unique a set of circumstances is required to produce a climate equilibrium supportive of life. No intelligent life that we know of ever evolved, anywhere in the universe, outside of the narrow Goldilocks range of temperatures that enclosed all of human evolution, and that we have now left behind, probably permanently.

Related Characters: David Wallace-Wells (speaker)
Page Number: 47
Explanation and Analysis:
Part II, Chapter 4: Wildfire Quotes

By accidents of geography and by the force of its wealth, the United States has, to this point, been mostly protected from the devastation climate change has already visited on parts of the less-developed world—mostly. The fact that warming is now hitting our wealthiest citizens is not just an opportunity for ugly bursts of liberal schadenfreude; it is also a sign of just how hard, and how indiscriminately, it is hitting. All of a sudden, it's getting a lot harder to protect against what's coming.

Related Characters: David Wallace-Wells (speaker)
Related Symbols: Cascades
Page Number: 80
Explanation and Analysis:
Part II, Chapter 7: Dying Oceans Quotes

But the ocean isn't the other; we are. Water is not a beachside attraction for land animals: at 70 percent of the earth's surface it is, by an enormous margin, the planet's predominant environment. Along with everything else it does, oceans feed us: globally, seafood accounts for nearly a fifth of all animal protein in the human diet, and in coastal areas it can provide much more. The oceans also maintain our planetary seasons, through prehistoric currents like the Gulf Stream, and modulate the temperature of the planet, absorbing much of the heat of the sun.

Related Characters: David Wallace-Wells (speaker)
Related Symbols: Cascades
Page Number: 103-104
Explanation and Analysis:
Part II, Chapter 12: “Systems” Quotes

And while it may seem intuitive that those contemplating the end of the world find themselves despairing, especially when their calls of alarm have gone almost entirely unheeded, it is also a harrowing forecast of what is in store for the rest of the world, as the devastation of climate change slowly reveals itself. […] This may be why so many of them seem concerned with the risks of crying wolf about warming: they’ve learned enough about public apathy to worry themselves into knots about just when, and precisely how, to raise the alarm.

Related Characters: David Wallace-Wells (speaker)
Page Number: 150
Explanation and Analysis:

At what point will the climate crisis grow undeniable, un-compartmentalizable? How much damage will have already been selfishly done? How quickly will we act to save ourselves and preserve as much of the way of life we know today as possible? For the sake of clarity, I've treated each of the threats from climate change—sea-level rise, food scarcity, economic stagnation—as discrete threats, which they are not. Some may prove offsetting, some mutually reinforcing, and others merely adjacent. But together they form a latticework of climate crisis, beneath which at least some humans, and probably many billions, will live. How?

Related Characters: David Wallace-Wells (speaker)
Related Symbols: Cascades
Page Number: 154
Explanation and Analysis:
Part III, Chapter 1: Storytelling Quotes

What does it mean to be entertained by a fictional apocalypse as we stare down the possibility of a real one? One job of pop culture is always to serve stories that distract even as they appear to engage. […] In a time of cascading climate change, Hollywood is also trying to make sense of our changing relationship to nature, which we have long regarded from at least an arm's length—but which, amid this change, has returned as a chaotic force we nevertheless understand, on some level, as our fault. The adjudication of that guilt is another thing entertainment can do […] in projecting rather than accepting guilt. […] In fictional stories of climate catastrophe we may also be looking for catharsis, and collectively trying to persuade ourselves we might survive it.

Related Characters: David Wallace-Wells (speaker)
Related Symbols: Cascades
Page Number: 158
Explanation and Analysis:

Global warming [shows us] that we didn't defeat the environment at all. There was no final conquest, no dominion established. In fact, the opposite: Whatever it means for the other animals on the planet, with global warming we have unwittingly claimed ownership of a system beyond our ability to control or tame in any day-to-day way. But more than that: with our continued activity, we have rendered that system only more out of control. Nature is both over, as in "past," and all around us, indeed overwhelming us and punishing us—this is the major lesson of climate change, which it teaches us almost daily.

Related Characters: David Wallace-Wells (speaker)
Page Number: 158
Explanation and Analysis:
Part III, Chapter 3: The Church of Technology Quotes

Of course, those are religious fantasies: to escape the body and transcend the world. […] The solution[s to climate change that the tech world offers are] not […] rational one[s]. Climate change does threaten the very basis of life on this planet, but a dramatically degraded environment here will still be much, much closer to livability than anything we might be able to hack out of the dry red soil of Mars.

Related Characters: David Wallace-Wells (speaker)
Page Number: 194
Explanation and Analysis:
Part III, Chapter 4: Politics of Consumption Quotes

If the world's most conspicuous emitters, the top 10 percent, reduced their emissions to only the E.U. average, total global emissions would fall by 35 percent. We won’t get there through the dietary choices of individuals, but through policy changes.

Related Characters: David Wallace-Wells (speaker)
Page Number: 207
Explanation and Analysis:
Part IV, The Anthropic Principle Quotes

These are the disconcerting, contradictory lessons of global warming, which counsels both human humility and human grandiosity, each drawn from the same perception of peril. The climate system that gave rise to the human species, and to everything we know of as civilization, is so fragile that it has been brought to the brink of total instability by just one generation of human activity. But that instability is also a measure of the human power that engineered it, almost by accident, and which now must stop the damage, in only as much time. If humans are responsible for the problem, they must be capable of undoing it.

Related Characters: David Wallace-Wells (speaker)
Page Number: 244
Explanation and Analysis:

The path we are on as a planet should terrify anyone living on it, but, thinking like one people, all the relevant inputs are within our control, and there is no mysticism required to interpret or command the fate of the earth. Only an acceptance of responsibility.

Related Characters: David Wallace-Wells (speaker)
Page Number: 251
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