The Wars

The Wars


Timothy Findley

Rodwell Character Analysis

A visiting soldier from Lahore who is one of Robert Ross’s bunkmates in the dugout at St. Eloi. Rodwell shares Robert’s love of animals and keeps a pet toad and other small creatures in cages under his bed to protect them from the fighting. This compassion reminds Robert of his sister Rowena and her pet rabbits. Rodwell is a sweet, innocent soul who illustrates children’s books with realistic sketches of animals. After the Battle of St. Eloi, he is sent to join another company and leaves Robert his toad, sketchbooks, and a letter to his daughter for safekeeping. Rodwell is driven to suicide when the men in his new company (who have been driven mad by trench warfare) force him to watch them torture small animals.

Rodwell Quotes in The Wars

The The Wars quotes below are all either spoken by Rodwell or refer to Rodwell. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Trauma and War Theme Icon
Part 3 Quotes

Robert sat on his bed in the old hotel at Bailleul and read what Rodwell had written.

To my daughter, Laurine;

Love your mother
Make your prayers against despair.
I am alive in everything I touch. Touch these pages and you have me in your fingertips. We survive in one another. Everything lives forever. Believe it. Nothing ever dies.

I am your father always.

Related Characters: Rodwell (speaker), Robert Ross
Page Number: 150-151
Explanation and Analysis:
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Rodwell Quotes in The Wars

The The Wars quotes below are all either spoken by Rodwell or refer to Rodwell. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Trauma and War Theme Icon
Part 3 Quotes

Robert sat on his bed in the old hotel at Bailleul and read what Rodwell had written.

To my daughter, Laurine;

Love your mother
Make your prayers against despair.
I am alive in everything I touch. Touch these pages and you have me in your fingertips. We survive in one another. Everything lives forever. Believe it. Nothing ever dies.

I am your father always.

Related Characters: Rodwell (speaker), Robert Ross
Page Number: 150-151
Explanation and Analysis: