The Wednesday Wars


Gary Schmidt

Horace Clarke is a Yankee player who Holling looks up to. To make up for what happened to Holling when he asked Mickey Mantle to sign his ball, Mrs. Baker arranges for Holling, Danny, and Doug to play baseball with Horace Clarke and his teammate Joe Pepitone. Unlike Mantle, these players are kind and generous to the boys.

Horace Clarke Quotes in The Wednesday Wars

The The Wednesday Wars quotes below are all either spoken by Horace Clarke or refer to Horace Clarke . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Coming of Age Theme Icon
December Quotes

But Doug went on in, and he came back out carrying the cardboard box for Number 166 from the Coat Room. He looked at us, shrugged, and hauled it away down the hall, staggering under its clumsy weight.

Related Characters: Holling Hoodhood (speaker), Mrs. Baker, Danny Hupfer, Doug Swieteck, Horace Clarke , Joe Pepitone
Page Number: 99
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Horace Clarke Character Timeline in The Wednesday Wars

The timeline below shows where the character Horace Clarke appears in The Wednesday Wars. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Family Theme Icon
Reading and Learning Theme Icon
Danny, Doug, and Holling gleefully walk to the gym, where they find Joe Pepitone and Horace Clark e, two amazing Yankees players, waiting for them. They all throw the balls with each... (full context)
Coming of Age Theme Icon
Holling loves every bit of the game. Horace Clark e tosses balls to the boys, and Mr. Hupfer buys everyone hot dogs. After the... (full context)