The White Tiger


Aravind Adiga

Dharam Character Analysis

Balram’s young cousin, who Kusum sends to Delhi for Balram to mentor. Dharam’s arrives at a crucial moment, complicating things just as Balram is devising his plan to murder Ashok and escape with his master’s money. Balram eventually carries out the murder anyway and flees Delhi with Dharam, continuing to care for the young boy after establishing himself in Bangalore.
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Dharam Character Timeline in The White Tiger

The timeline below shows where the character Dharam appears in The White Tiger. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 7: The Sixth Night
...brings it back to his room where –to his great surprise—he finds his young cousin Dharam. Balram then learns that Kusum sent Dharam to Delhi for Balram to mentor, along with... (full context)
Shortly after Dharam’s arrival, Ashok learns that the ruling national government has lost the election to several oppositional... (full context)
The following morning, Balram asks Ashok for time off so that he can take Dharam to the Delhi Zoo. Balram’s nerves are on edge all morning with the knowledge of... (full context) make his escape, but is tortured with indecision about whether or not to rescue Dharam. He goes back to get his cousin in Gurgaon despite the risk of getting caught,... (full context)