The White Tiger


Aravind Adiga

Kishan is Balram’s older brother who cares for him after their father dies. Though Kishan is an influential, fatherly figure in Balram’s life, Balram laments his brother’s lack of “entrepreneurial spirit”: in other words, his inability to stand up to Kusum and make his own decisions, as Balram does. Kishan allows Kusum to work him hard, take most of his wages, and arrange his marriage early in life, before he can support a family.
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Kishan Character Timeline in The White Tiger

The timeline below shows where the character Kishan appears in The White Tiger. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1: The First Night
...of his family and pay back the debt. Balram goes to work with his brother Kishan in the village teashop. Though this is a devastating turn of fate, Balram claims that... (full context)
Chapter 2: The Second Night across the river from Laxmangahr. It is the only hospital in the region, yet Kishan and Balram arrive with their father only to find that there are no doctors there.... (full context)
After Balram’s father’s death, Kusum arranges Kishan’s marriage to a local girl in exchange for a large dowry, and then sends both... (full context)
...serves him a rich chicken dish, which only serves to emphasize how thin and malnourished Kishan has become. Enraged by his family’s demands and their neglect of Kishan, Balram storms out... (full context)