The Winslow Boy


Terence Rattigan

John’s Father/Colonel Watherstone Character Analysis

John’s father is a colonel in the army. John is dependent on his father for financial security and is evidently quite afraid of him. As a member of the military establishment, John’s father does not approve of the Winslow case and issues the ultimatum that either they drop it, or he will withdraw his support for John’s proposed marriage to Catherine. He never appears on stage, perhaps suggesting his air of distant authority, but his letter nevertheless plays an important role in the development of the plot.

John’s Father/Colonel Watherstone Quotes in The Winslow Boy

The The Winslow Boy quotes below are all either spoken by John’s Father/Colonel Watherstone or refer to John’s Father/Colonel Watherstone. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Principles and Sacrifice Theme Icon
Act 1 Quotes

JOHN: The annoying thing was that I had a whole lot of neatly turned phrases ready for him and he wouldn’t let me use them.


JOHN: Oh – how proud and honoured I was by your acceptance of me, and how determined I was to make you a loyal and devoted husband – and to maintain you in the state to which you were accustomed – all that sort of thing. All very sincerely meant.

CATHERINE: Anything about loving me a little?

JOHN: That I thought we could take for granted. So did your father, incidentally.

Related Characters: Catherine Winslow (speaker), John Watherstone (speaker), Arthur Winslow, John’s Father/Colonel Watherstone
Page Number: 15
Explanation and Analysis:
Act 3 Quotes

SIR ROBERT: What are my instructions, Miss Winslow?

CATHERINE: (In a flat voice.) Do you need my instructions, Sir Robert? Aren’t they already on the Petition? Doesn’t it say: Let Right be done?

Related Characters: Catherine Winslow (speaker), Sir Robert Morton (speaker), Arthur Winslow, John Watherstone, John’s Father/Colonel Watherstone
Page Number: 72
Explanation and Analysis:
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John’s Father/Colonel Watherstone Quotes in The Winslow Boy

The The Winslow Boy quotes below are all either spoken by John’s Father/Colonel Watherstone or refer to John’s Father/Colonel Watherstone. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Principles and Sacrifice Theme Icon
Act 1 Quotes

JOHN: The annoying thing was that I had a whole lot of neatly turned phrases ready for him and he wouldn’t let me use them.


JOHN: Oh – how proud and honoured I was by your acceptance of me, and how determined I was to make you a loyal and devoted husband – and to maintain you in the state to which you were accustomed – all that sort of thing. All very sincerely meant.

CATHERINE: Anything about loving me a little?

JOHN: That I thought we could take for granted. So did your father, incidentally.

Related Characters: Catherine Winslow (speaker), John Watherstone (speaker), Arthur Winslow, John’s Father/Colonel Watherstone
Page Number: 15
Explanation and Analysis:
Act 3 Quotes

SIR ROBERT: What are my instructions, Miss Winslow?

CATHERINE: (In a flat voice.) Do you need my instructions, Sir Robert? Aren’t they already on the Petition? Doesn’t it say: Let Right be done?

Related Characters: Catherine Winslow (speaker), Sir Robert Morton (speaker), Arthur Winslow, John Watherstone, John’s Father/Colonel Watherstone
Page Number: 72
Explanation and Analysis: