King James Quotes in The Witch of Blackbird Pond
“I am mistaken,” Matthew Wood challenged him, “because I do not favor knuckling under to this new King’s governor?”
“Governor Andros was appointed by King James. Massachusetts has recognized that.”
“Well, we here in Connecticut will never recognize it—never! Do you think we have labored and sacrificed all these years to build up a free government only to hand it over now without a murmur?”
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King James Quotes in The Witch of Blackbird Pond
“I am mistaken,” Matthew Wood challenged him, “because I do not favor knuckling under to this new King’s governor?”
“Governor Andros was appointed by King James. Massachusetts has recognized that.”
“Well, we here in Connecticut will never recognize it—never! Do you think we have labored and sacrificed all these years to build up a free government only to hand it over now without a murmur?”
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