They Both Die at the End

They Both Die at the End


Adam Silvera

Sandy Guerrero Character Analysis

Sandy is Delilah’s boss. She generally gives Delilah the most boring assignments, but she grudgingly agrees to let Delilah come along to interview Howie Maldonado. Her dislike of Delilah shines through during the interview until Delilah’s questions begin to get deeper, more interesting answers out of Howie. She survives the car crash that kills Howie and agrees to not fire Delilah for her impertinence.

Sandy Guerrero Quotes in They Both Die at the End

The They Both Die at the End quotes below are all either spoken by Sandy Guerrero or refer to Sandy Guerrero. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Howie Maldonado, 5:23 p.m. Quotes

“What would’ve made you happy?” Delilah asks.

Love comes to mind, immediately, and it surprises him like a lightning bolt on a day with clear forecasts. Howie never felt lonely, because he could go online at any moment and find himself flooded with messages. But affection from millions and intimacy from that one special person are completely different beasts.

Related Characters: Delilah Gray (speaker), Mateo Torrez, Howie Maldonado, Sandy Guerrero
Page Number: 313
Explanation and Analysis:
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Sandy Guerrero Character Timeline in They Both Die at the End

The timeline below shows where the character Sandy Guerrero appears in They Both Die at the End. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Delilah Gray, 11:08 a.m.
Business, Ethics, and Dehumanization Theme Icon
...Weekly, has secured Howie Maldonado’s interview, Delilah won’t be the one conducting it. Her boss, Sandy, ignores Delilah’s pleas and assurances that she knows everything about Howie. Delilah begs; she knows... (full context)
Howie Maldonado, 5:23 p.m.
Mortality, Life, and Meaning Theme Icon
Human Connection and Social Media Theme Icon
Business, Ethics, and Dehumanization Theme Icon
Howie is in the car with Sandy and Delilah. Sandy asks where Howie is headed. Howie scrolls through social media since he... (full context)
Human Connection and Social Media Theme Icon
Business, Ethics, and Dehumanization Theme Icon
Sandy asks where Howie would be without the Scorpius role. He says he’d be in San... (full context)
Human Connection and Social Media Theme Icon
...He says that he wouldn’t have just been a bank account to his family. Even Sandy seems invested as Delilah asks if Howie would’ve been happy if he wasn’t successful but... (full context)