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Things Fall Apart: Introduction
Things Fall Apart: Plot Summary
Things Fall Apart: Detailed Summary & Analysis
Things Fall Apart: Themes
Things Fall Apart: Quotes
Things Fall Apart: Characters
Things Fall Apart: Symbols
Things Fall Apart: Literary Devices
Things Fall Apart: Theme Wheel
Brief Biography of Chinua Achebe

Historical Context of Things Fall Apart
Other Books Related to Things Fall Apart
- Full Title: Things Fall Apart
- When Written: 1957
- Where Written: Nigeria
- When Published: 1958
- Literary Period: Post-colonialism
- Genre: Novel / Tragedy
- Setting: Pre-colonial Nigeria, 1890s
- Climax: Okonkwo's murder of a court messenger
- Antagonist: Missionaries and White Government Officials (Reverend Smith and the District Commissioner)
- Point of View: Third person omniscient
Extra Credit for Things Fall Apart
Joseph Conrad: “A Bloody Racist”. Chinua Achebe delivered a lecture and critique on Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness, calling Conrad “a bloody racist” and provoking controversy among critics and readers. However, Achebe's criticism of Conrad has become a mainstream perspective on Conrad's work and was even included in the 1988 Norton critical edition of Heart of Darkness.
Achebe as Politician. Achebe expressed his political views often in writing, but he also involved himself actively in Nigerian politics when he became the People's Redemption Party's deputy national vice-president in the early 1980's. However, he soon resigned himself in frustration with the corruption he witnessed during the elections.