'Tis Pity She's a Whore


John Ford

Richardetto Character Analysis

Hippolita’s husband who is presumed dead, Richardetto spends most of the play disguised as a doctor. Although he is also bent on getting revenge (against Hippolita for her infidelity, and against Soranzo for cuckolding him), he uses the passions of others as a conduit for his own revenge, cleverly getting them to unwittingly do his bidding. He is glad to see Hippolita poisoned by Vasquez, and gives Grimaldi a poisoned dagger to kill Soranzo, though this plot ultimately fails. He reveals himself only after Soranzo is killed at the end of the play, when he has wtinessed “the end of lust and pride.” His ability to control his anger saves him from the bloodiest conflicts of the play, and he emerges with his life intact.

Richardetto Quotes in 'Tis Pity She's a Whore

The 'Tis Pity She's a Whore quotes below are all either spoken by Richardetto or refer to Richardetto. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Passion, Lust, and Bloodlust Theme Icon
Act 3, Scene 4 Quotes

RICHARDETTO: Her sickness is a fullness of her blood –
You understand me?
FLORIO: I do – you counsel well –
And once within these few days will so order’t
She shall be married, ere she know the time.

Related Characters: Florio (speaker), Richardetto (speaker), Annabella, Soranzo
Page Number: 3.4.8-11
Explanation and Analysis:
Act 3, Scene 5 Quotes

RICHARDETTO: Time runs apace.
BERGETTO: Time’s a blockhead. [Kisses her.]
RICHARDETTO: Be ruled! When we have done what’s fit to do,
Then you may kiss your fill, and bed her too.

Related Characters: Richardetto (speaker), Bergetto (speaker), Philotis
Page Number: 3.5.48-51
Explanation and Analysis:
Act 4, Scene 2 Quotes

Your chaste and single life shall crown your birth:
Who dies a virgin lives a saint on earth.

Related Characters: Richardetto (speaker), Philotis
Page Number: 4.2.28-27
Explanation and Analysis:
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Richardetto Quotes in 'Tis Pity She's a Whore

The 'Tis Pity She's a Whore quotes below are all either spoken by Richardetto or refer to Richardetto. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Passion, Lust, and Bloodlust Theme Icon
Act 3, Scene 4 Quotes

RICHARDETTO: Her sickness is a fullness of her blood –
You understand me?
FLORIO: I do – you counsel well –
And once within these few days will so order’t
She shall be married, ere she know the time.

Related Characters: Florio (speaker), Richardetto (speaker), Annabella, Soranzo
Page Number: 3.4.8-11
Explanation and Analysis:
Act 3, Scene 5 Quotes

RICHARDETTO: Time runs apace.
BERGETTO: Time’s a blockhead. [Kisses her.]
RICHARDETTO: Be ruled! When we have done what’s fit to do,
Then you may kiss your fill, and bed her too.

Related Characters: Richardetto (speaker), Bergetto (speaker), Philotis
Page Number: 3.5.48-51
Explanation and Analysis:
Act 4, Scene 2 Quotes

Your chaste and single life shall crown your birth:
Who dies a virgin lives a saint on earth.

Related Characters: Richardetto (speaker), Philotis
Page Number: 4.2.28-27
Explanation and Analysis: