Minor Characters
Harry Harris
A remarkably beautiful child and the only surviving son of Eliza and George, Harry escapes with Eliza through Ohio and is later raised in Canada as a free child.
Marie St. Clare
St. Clare’s ill-tempered and hypochondriacal wife, Marie St. Clare is a distant, unfeeling mother, yet she argues that no one in the family understands her needs. Marie believes that slaves are a “degraded race” and that they should be treated firmly and without fellow-feeling.
An older slave in the St. Clare household, Mammy takes care of Eva, particularly before the arrival of Miss Ophelia. Marie believes, hypocritically, that Mammy complains far too often of her poor health.
Madame de Thoux
A wealthy, well-dressed woman who has inherited money from a husband in the West Indies, Madame de Thoux, of mixed race, is revealed to be the long-lost sister of George Harris, sold when Harris was very young. De Thoux rejoins the Harrises in Canada.
A funny and theatrical slave in the St. Clare household, Adolph steals his master’s clothes and manages the house’s finances poorly. St. Clare is nevertheless kind to Adolph, as he is to all his slaves.
A cunning slave on the Shelby estate, Sam pretends to help Haley find Eliza and Harry, instead making sure their trip takes far longer than expected. This enables Eliza and Harry to escape.
A slave-catcher with Tom Loker, Marks, a small man, is revealed to be a coward, as he runs away after Tom Loker is shot. Marks later misses George, Eliza, and Harry as they cross over to Canada in disguise.
Phineas Fletcher
A recent convert to Quakerism, Phineas Fletcher helps George, Eliza, and Harry to escape and pushes Tom Loker into a ravine, wounding him. Fletcher practices the Quaker faith but retains a righteously violent streak not entirely in keeping with his new faith.
The Hallidays, the Stedmans, and Michael
Quakers who assist Eliza, George, and Harry in their escape to Canada.
John Van Trompe
A large man, once owner of many slaves in Kentucky, who takes in Eliza and Harry. Van Trompe will only join a church that explicitly identifies slavery as a human evil.
A slave on the Shelby estate who, along with Sam, distracts Haley in his search for Eliza and Harry.
Cudjoe and Dinah
Servants to Senator and Mrs. Bird, they tend to Eliza and Harry.
An old slave woman who lives on an estate near the St. Clares’home, Prue drinks heavily out of despair over the cruelties she has endured. Prue is whipped by her master for stealing money to buy alcohol. She is then left in the basement and dies there.