We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves


Karen Joy Fowler

Dae-jung Character Analysis

Dae-jung is a young boy in Rosemary’s elementary school class who has recently moved to the United States from Korea. At first he can’t speak English, which draws Rosemary to him as it reminds her of Fern. She pretends that they are friends and talks “at” him so much that his English rapidly improves and he ditches her in favor of other friends.

Dae-jung Quotes in We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves

The We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves quotes below are all either spoken by Dae-jung or refer to Dae-jung. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Humans vs. Animals Theme Icon
Part 3, Chapter 2 Quotes

For a brief period in the third grade, I pretended that Dae-jung and I were friends. He didn't talk, but I was well able to supply both sides of a conversation. I returned a mitten he'd dropped. We ate lunch together, or at least we ate at the same table, and in the classroom he'd been given the desk next to mine on the theory that when I talked out of turn, it might help his language acquisition. The irony was that his English improved due in no small part to my constant yakking at him, but as soon as he could speak, he made other friends.

Related Characters: Rosemary Cooke (speaker), Dae-jung
Page Number: 116
Explanation and Analysis:
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