We Were Liars


E. Lockhart

Carrie’s long-term boyfriend and Gat’s uncle. Ed is of South Asian descent, which is secretly an issue for Harris Sinclair, the family patriarch. Harris has threatened to take away Carrie’s share of the inheritance if she marries Ed, despite the fact that he is relatively polite and welcoming to Ed.

Ed Quotes in We Were Liars

The We Were Liars quotes below are all either spoken by Ed or refer to Ed. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Part 4: Look, a Fire Quotes

Carrie lived with Ed. The Two of them bought art that might or might not be valuable later. Johnny and Will went to private school. Carrie had started a jewelry boutique with her trust and ran it for a number of years until it failed. Ed earned money, and he supported her, but Carrie didn’t have an income of her own. And they weren’t married. He owned their apartment and she didn’t.

Related Characters: Cadence “Cady” Eastman (speaker), Johnny, Carrie, Ed, Will
Page Number: 176
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“You chose Ed; you chose to live with him. You chose to bring Gat here every summer, when you know he’s not one of us. You know the way Dad thinks, and you not only keep running around with Ed, you bring his nephew here and parade him around like a defiant little girl with a forbidden toy.”

Related Characters: Bess (speaker), Gatwick “Gat” Patil, Carrie, Ed
Page Number: 189
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Ed Quotes in We Were Liars

The We Were Liars quotes below are all either spoken by Ed or refer to Ed. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Part 4: Look, a Fire Quotes

Carrie lived with Ed. The Two of them bought art that might or might not be valuable later. Johnny and Will went to private school. Carrie had started a jewelry boutique with her trust and ran it for a number of years until it failed. Ed earned money, and he supported her, but Carrie didn’t have an income of her own. And they weren’t married. He owned their apartment and she didn’t.

Related Characters: Cadence “Cady” Eastman (speaker), Johnny, Carrie, Ed, Will
Page Number: 176
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“You chose Ed; you chose to live with him. You chose to bring Gat here every summer, when you know he’s not one of us. You know the way Dad thinks, and you not only keep running around with Ed, you bring his nephew here and parade him around like a defiant little girl with a forbidden toy.”

Related Characters: Bess (speaker), Gatwick “Gat” Patil, Carrie, Ed
Page Number: 189
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