We Were Liars


E. Lockhart

Tipper Sinclair Character Analysis

Harris Sinclair’s wife, and mother of Carrie, Bess, and Penny. Tipper is the glue holding the family together; after her death, the sisters argue bitterly over her possessions and their shares of the inheritance. Cady notes that Tipper was involved in philanthropic activities, and that unfortunately, her daughters had inherited none of her generous spirit.

Tipper Sinclair Quotes in We Were Liars

The We Were Liars quotes below are all either spoken by Tipper Sinclair or refer to Tipper Sinclair. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Part 1: Welcome Quotes

Do you understand, Cady? Silence is a protective coating over pain.

Related Characters: Penny Sinclair Eastman (speaker), Cadence “Cady” Eastman, Harris Sinclair, Tipper Sinclair
Page Number: 32
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Tipper Sinclair Quotes in We Were Liars

The We Were Liars quotes below are all either spoken by Tipper Sinclair or refer to Tipper Sinclair. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Part 1: Welcome Quotes

Do you understand, Cady? Silence is a protective coating over pain.

Related Characters: Penny Sinclair Eastman (speaker), Cadence “Cady” Eastman, Harris Sinclair, Tipper Sinclair
Page Number: 32
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