We Were Liars


E. Lockhart

The second-oldest Sinclair grandchild and one of the Liars. His mother, Carrie, is divorced and began dating Gat’s uncle Ed when the boys were eleven years old. Because of this, Johnny and Gat have lived almost like brothers for the entirety of their adolescence. Johnny is good-natured and generally carefree, and his easygoing disposition contrasts with Gat’s seriousness within the group. When they discuss wealth and possessions, for example, Gat is deeply concerned about the excessive consumerism he observes in American culture, while Johnny asks if the Liars “I dunno, want to own stuff?” Along with Mirren and Gat, Johnny dies in the fire that the Liars set during their fifteenth summer on the island.

Johnny Quotes in We Were Liars

The We Were Liars quotes below are all either spoken by Johnny or refer to Johnny. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Part 1: Welcome Quotes

“Maybe land shouldn’t belong to people at all. Or maybe there should be limits on what they can own.” He leaned forward. “When I went to India this winter, on that volunteer trip, we were building toilets. Building them because people there, in this one village, didn’t have them.”

“We all know you went to India […] You told us like forty-seven times.”

Related Characters: Gatwick “Gat” Patil (speaker), Johnny (speaker), Cadence “Cady” Eastman, Mirren
Page Number: 19-20
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Part 4: Look, a Fire Quotes

Carrie lived with Ed. The Two of them bought art that might or might not be valuable later. Johnny and Will went to private school. Carrie had started a jewelry boutique with her trust and ran it for a number of years until it failed. Ed earned money, and he supported her, but Carrie didn’t have an income of her own. And they weren’t married. He owned their apartment and she didn’t.

Related Characters: Cadence “Cady” Eastman (speaker), Johnny, Carrie, Ed, Will
Page Number: 176
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Johnny Quotes in We Were Liars

The We Were Liars quotes below are all either spoken by Johnny or refer to Johnny. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Part 1: Welcome Quotes

“Maybe land shouldn’t belong to people at all. Or maybe there should be limits on what they can own.” He leaned forward. “When I went to India this winter, on that volunteer trip, we were building toilets. Building them because people there, in this one village, didn’t have them.”

“We all know you went to India […] You told us like forty-seven times.”

Related Characters: Gatwick “Gat” Patil (speaker), Johnny (speaker), Cadence “Cady” Eastman, Mirren
Page Number: 19-20
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Part 4: Look, a Fire Quotes

Carrie lived with Ed. The Two of them bought art that might or might not be valuable later. Johnny and Will went to private school. Carrie had started a jewelry boutique with her trust and ran it for a number of years until it failed. Ed earned money, and he supported her, but Carrie didn’t have an income of her own. And they weren’t married. He owned their apartment and she didn’t.

Related Characters: Cadence “Cady” Eastman (speaker), Johnny, Carrie, Ed, Will
Page Number: 176
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