White Fragility


Robin DiAngelo

Affirmative Action

Affirmative action refers to a set of laws and policies in the U.S. enacted in the late 1960s designed to prevent discrimination in hiring. Affirmative action only applies to state and government agencies (not private… read analysis of Affirmative Action


A term coined by anthropologist Pierre Bordieu, habitus refers to the way people perceive the world around them and react to it. These behaviors are often based on a person’s “field” (environment) and “capital” (the… read analysis of Habitus

White Fragility

White fragility refers to the way in which white people react with anger, defensiveness, guilt, or silence when confronted on issues of race. The book argues that white fragility is a tool of white supremacyread analysis of White Fragility

White Supremacy

White supremacy is a term that describes white people’s assumed centrality and superiority, as well as the practices that result from this assumption. Manifestations of white supremacy include the fact that white people are viewed… read analysis of White Supremacy