With the Fire on High

With the Fire on High


Elizabeth Acevedo

With the Fire on High: 90. Winning Summary & Analysis

Emoni hurries to the rooftop paella restaurant to meet her classmates, who all look as energized as she feels. She sits next to Malachi and tells him that she prepared the daily special. Pretty Leslie leans over, shocked that Emoni had so much responsibility. Emoni hadn’t considered how big of a challenge that was, but she realizes now her classmates aren’t getting the same kind of experience. A bit later, Emoni excuses herself to call ’Buela from the bathroom and get an update on Babygirl.
While everyone is clearly having a good time already, Emoni also realizes that Chef Ayden has given her a really special opportunity. He hand-picked the restaurateurs to take on his students, and he clearly took Emoni’s desires into account when he paired her with Chef Amadí. This reminds her too how much of an ally he is. Still, Emoni’s heart is in Philly with her daughter—she can’t fully escape her parenting responsibilities.