Wolf Hall


Hilary Mantel

Rafe Sadler is Cromwell’s chief clerk, who came to the Cromwell household to train under Cromwell when he was just a boy of seven. His father, Henry Sadler, sends him to Cromwell because he wants his son to learn everything Cromwell knows. Cromwell is very attached to Rafe, and he loves him like his own son. When Cromwell’s daughter, Anne Cromwell, tells her father that she would like to marry Rafe when she grows up, Cromwell is excited at the prospect and feels that his life could be happy again despite his wife Liz’s death. Rafe grows into a sensible young man and a capable assistant. Even King Henry notices this and asks that Rafe stay with him to advise him when Cromwell has to be elsewhere. Cromwell relies heavily on Rafe’s assistance, and at times, Rafe seems even more level-headed than Cromwell. Rafe ends up marrying Helen Barre, a poor woman with two children whose husband abandoned her, and Cromwell is unpleasantly shocked when he hears this because he fears that Henry Sadler will hold Cromwell responsible for this poor match. Still, since Cromwell has just been promoted to Master Secretary when he hears this news, he promises Rafe’s father that he will use his own position to ensure the success of Rafe’s career. He is pleased to be able to help Rafe in this way.

Rafe Sadler Quotes in Wolf Hall

The Wolf Hall quotes below are all either spoken by Rafe Sadler or refer to Rafe Sadler. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Part 2: Chapter 2 Quotes

“Why do people marry?”


“Most people,” he says, “feel it increases their happiness.”

“Oh, yes, that,” Anne says. “May I choose my husband?”

“Of course,” he says; meaning, up to a point.

“Then I choose Rafe.”

For a minute, for two minutes together, he feels his life might mend. Then he thinks, how could I ask Rafe to wait? He needs to set up his own household. Even five years from now, Anne would be a very young bride.

“I know,” she says. “And time goes by so slowly.”

It’s true; one always seems to be waiting for something.

Related Characters: Thomas Cromwell (speaker), Anne Cromwell (speaker), Liz Wykys, Rafe Sadler
Page Number: 118
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Part 3: Chapter 1 Quotes

He stops to have a word with some of the benchers: how was this allowed to go forward? The Cardinal of York is a sick man, he may die, how will you and your students stand then before God? What sort of young men are you breeding here, who are so brave as to assail a great man who has fallen on evil times—whose favor, a few short weeks ago, they would have begged for?

The benchers follow him, apologizing; but their voices are lost in the roars of laughter that billow out from the hall. His young household are lingering, casting glances back. […]

Rafe touches his shoulder. Richard walks on his left, sticking close. “You don’t have to hold me up,” he says mildly. “I’m not like the cardinal.” He stops. He laughs. He says, “I suppose it was…”

“Yes, it was quite entertaining,” Richard says.

Related Characters: Thomas Cromwell (speaker), Richard Williams/Richard Cromwell (speaker), Cardinal Wolsey , Rafe Sadler
Page Number: 162
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Rafe Sadler Quotes in Wolf Hall

The Wolf Hall quotes below are all either spoken by Rafe Sadler or refer to Rafe Sadler. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Part 2: Chapter 2 Quotes

“Why do people marry?”


“Most people,” he says, “feel it increases their happiness.”

“Oh, yes, that,” Anne says. “May I choose my husband?”

“Of course,” he says; meaning, up to a point.

“Then I choose Rafe.”

For a minute, for two minutes together, he feels his life might mend. Then he thinks, how could I ask Rafe to wait? He needs to set up his own household. Even five years from now, Anne would be a very young bride.

“I know,” she says. “And time goes by so slowly.”

It’s true; one always seems to be waiting for something.

Related Characters: Thomas Cromwell (speaker), Anne Cromwell (speaker), Liz Wykys, Rafe Sadler
Page Number: 118
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Part 3: Chapter 1 Quotes

He stops to have a word with some of the benchers: how was this allowed to go forward? The Cardinal of York is a sick man, he may die, how will you and your students stand then before God? What sort of young men are you breeding here, who are so brave as to assail a great man who has fallen on evil times—whose favor, a few short weeks ago, they would have begged for?

The benchers follow him, apologizing; but their voices are lost in the roars of laughter that billow out from the hall. His young household are lingering, casting glances back. […]

Rafe touches his shoulder. Richard walks on his left, sticking close. “You don’t have to hold me up,” he says mildly. “I’m not like the cardinal.” He stops. He laughs. He says, “I suppose it was…”

“Yes, it was quite entertaining,” Richard says.

Related Characters: Thomas Cromwell (speaker), Richard Williams/Richard Cromwell (speaker), Cardinal Wolsey , Rafe Sadler
Page Number: 162
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