World War Z


Max Brooks

Dr. Gu Wen Kuei Character Analysis

Kwang Jingshu’s old army friend who now works at the Institute of Infectious Diseases. Jingshu calls him when he encounters Patient Zero and is confounded by his symptoms, and Gu immediately turns serious, implying that he knows of other cases. He indirectly warns Jingshu that this is a dangerous situation—he probably cannot warn him outright since their conversation is being surveilled by the Chinese government.
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Dr. Gu Wen Kuei Character Timeline in World War Z

The timeline below shows where the character Dr. Gu Wen Kuei appears in World War Z. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1: Warnings
Kwang called his old friend, Dr. Gu Wen Kuei, who worked at the Institute of Infectious Diseases. As soon as Kwang showed... (full context)
Gu had subtly warned Kwang before the army men had arrived that this was something very... (full context)