World War Z


Max Brooks

Philip Adler’s general who ordered him to follow orders to abandon civilians, and threatened him and his men with treason when he refused to do so. General Lang ended up committing suicide after carrying out just the first step of the Redeker Plan since he was unable to bear the guilt of having so many deaths on his head.

General Lang Quotes in World War Z

The World War Z quotes below are all either spoken by General Lang or refer to General Lang. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 4: Turning the Tide Quotes

Now, I am a good soldier, but I am also a West German. […] We were taught since birth to bear the burden of our grandfathers’ shame. We were taught that, even if we wore a uniform, that our first sworn duty was to our conscience, no matter what the consequences. That is how I was raised, that is how I responded. I told Lang that I could not, in good conscience, obey this order, that I could not leave these people without protection. At this, he exploded.

Related Characters: Philip Adler (speaker), General Lang
Related Symbols: Zombies
Page Number: 113
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General Lang Quotes in World War Z

The World War Z quotes below are all either spoken by General Lang or refer to General Lang. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 4: Turning the Tide Quotes

Now, I am a good soldier, but I am also a West German. […] We were taught since birth to bear the burden of our grandfathers’ shame. We were taught that, even if we wore a uniform, that our first sworn duty was to our conscience, no matter what the consequences. That is how I was raised, that is how I responded. I told Lang that I could not, in good conscience, obey this order, that I could not leave these people without protection. At this, he exploded.

Related Characters: Philip Adler (speaker), General Lang
Related Symbols: Zombies
Page Number: 113
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