Written on the Body


Jeanette Winterson

Bathsheba Character Analysis

Bathsheba is the narrator’s dentist and a married women with whom the narrator had an affair before meeting Jacqueline. The narrator’s relationship with Bathsheba was emotionally fraught and ended after the narrator asked Bathsheba to leave her husband and she instead left on a six-week trip with him. When Bathsheba returned, she informed the narrator that she may have given them a venereal disease, which meant Bathsheba had lied to the narrator about not having sex with her own husband. In the end, Bathsheba gave the narrator £10,000, which went toward financing a new apartment. The narrator’s relationship is significant for a few reasons. Firstly, it lasted three years, far beyond any of the narrator’s other relationships. In addition, the relationship’s unsavory ending motivated the narrator to have more self-respect, which contributed to the narrator’s subsequent interest in committing to Jaqueline as a romantic partner, even though the narrator desired her very little. And while contemplating beginning an affair with Louise, the narrator earnestly considers how this infidelity might affect Jacqueline, attributing their desire to “do the right thing” to the heartbreak they themselves experienced with Bathsheba.

Bathsheba Quotes in Written on the Body

The Written on the Body quotes below are all either spoken by Bathsheba or refer to Bathsheba. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Part 1 Quotes

I never used to think about my previous girlfriends until I took up with Jacqueline. I never had the time. With Jacqueline I settled into a parody of the sporting colonel, the tweedy cove with a line-up of trophies and a dozen reminiscences. I have caught myself fancying a glass of sherry and a little mental dalliance with Inge, Catherine, Bathsheba, Judith, Estelle…

Related Characters: The Narrator (speaker), Louise Rosenthal, Jacqueline, Bathsheba, Inge
Page Number: 77
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Bathsheba Quotes in Written on the Body

The Written on the Body quotes below are all either spoken by Bathsheba or refer to Bathsheba. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Part 1 Quotes

I never used to think about my previous girlfriends until I took up with Jacqueline. I never had the time. With Jacqueline I settled into a parody of the sporting colonel, the tweedy cove with a line-up of trophies and a dozen reminiscences. I have caught myself fancying a glass of sherry and a little mental dalliance with Inge, Catherine, Bathsheba, Judith, Estelle…

Related Characters: The Narrator (speaker), Louise Rosenthal, Jacqueline, Bathsheba, Inge
Page Number: 77
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