Written on the Body


Jeanette Winterson

Elgin Rosenthal Character Analysis

Elgin Rosenthal is Louise’s husband and a prominent cancer physician. He was born to Orthodox Jewish parents, Esau and Sarah. Louise is drawn to Elgin because he seems to be a safe choice. Elgin’s parents disapprove of their marriage, however, and Elgin severs contact with them until Sarah is hospitalized with bone cancer. After she dies, Elgin forgoes his dream of providing humanitarian medical care abroad and dedicates his life to studying cancer. Though it is more lucrative and prestigious, this alternative trajectory disappoints Louise. They eventually stop having sex and their marriage slowly falls apart. When Louise begins an affair with the narrator, Elgin at first does not attempt to intervene, but he later becomes upset after overhearing a noisy sexual encounter. Louise decides to leave Elgin shortly after, and she moves in with the narrator. Months later, Elgin shows up unannounced at their apartment to tell the narrator that Louise has cancer, and he manipulates the narrator into sending Louise back to him so that he can save her life. The narrator leaves with Louise and moves to Yorkshire. Despite his promises, Elgin rarely provide updates on Louise’s situation. Later, the narrator returns to Louise and Elgin’s home to try and find Louise, and they get into a physical altercation in front of Elgin’s new fiancée.

Elgin Rosenthal Quotes in Written on the Body

The Written on the Body quotes below are all either spoken by Elgin Rosenthal or refer to Elgin Rosenthal. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Part 1 Quotes

“It will help him save face,” you said. “Adultery is for cuckolds. Unreasonable behavior is for martyrs. A mad wife is better than a bad wife. What will he tell his friends?”

Related Characters: Louise Rosenthal (speaker), Elgin Rosenthal
Page Number: 99
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Those days have a crystalline clearness to me now. Whichever way I hold them up to the light they refract a different colour. Louise in her blue dress gathering fir cones in the skirt. Louise against the purple sky looking like a Pre-Raphaelite heroine. The young green of our life and the last yellow roses in November. The colours blur and I can only see her face. Then I hear her voice crisp and white. “I will never let you go.”

Related Characters: The Narrator (speaker), Louise Rosenthal, Elgin Rosenthal
Page Number: 99-100
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 2: The Cells, Tissues, Systems and Cavities of the Body Quotes

As I embalm you in my memory, the first thing I shall do is to hook out your brain through your accommodating orifices. Now that I have lost you I cannot allow you to develop, you must be a photograph and not a poem. You must be rid of life as I am rid of life. We shall sink together you and I, down, down into the dark voids where once the vital organs were.

Related Characters: The Narrator (speaker), Louise Rosenthal, Elgin Rosenthal
Page Number: 119
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 3: The Skin Quotes

I’m living on my memories like a cheap has-been. I’ve been sitting in this chair by the fire, my hand on the cat, talking aloud, fool-ramblings. There’s a doctor’s textbook fallen open on the floor. To me it’s a book of spells.

Related Characters: The Narrator (speaker), Louise Rosenthal, Elgin Rosenthal
Page Number: 124-125
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 4: The Skeleton Quotes

Bone of my bone. Flesh of my flesh. To remember you it’s my own body I touch. The physical memory blunders through the doors the mind has tried to seal. A skeleton key to Bluebeard’s chamber. The bloody key that unlocks pain. Wisdom says forget, the body howls. The bolts of your collar bone undo me. Thus she was, here and here.

Related Characters: The Narrator (speaker), Louise Rosenthal, Elgin Rosenthal
Page Number: 129-130
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 5: The Special Senses Quotes

All other colors are absorbed. The dull tinges of the day never penetrate my blackened skull. I live in four blank walls like an anchorite. You were a brightly lit room and I shut the door. You were a coat of many colours wrestled into the dirt.

Related Characters: The Narrator (speaker), Louise Rosenthal, Elgin Rosenthal
Page Number: 138
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Elgin Rosenthal Quotes in Written on the Body

The Written on the Body quotes below are all either spoken by Elgin Rosenthal or refer to Elgin Rosenthal. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Part 1 Quotes

“It will help him save face,” you said. “Adultery is for cuckolds. Unreasonable behavior is for martyrs. A mad wife is better than a bad wife. What will he tell his friends?”

Related Characters: Louise Rosenthal (speaker), Elgin Rosenthal
Page Number: 99
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Those days have a crystalline clearness to me now. Whichever way I hold them up to the light they refract a different colour. Louise in her blue dress gathering fir cones in the skirt. Louise against the purple sky looking like a Pre-Raphaelite heroine. The young green of our life and the last yellow roses in November. The colours blur and I can only see her face. Then I hear her voice crisp and white. “I will never let you go.”

Related Characters: The Narrator (speaker), Louise Rosenthal, Elgin Rosenthal
Page Number: 99-100
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 2: The Cells, Tissues, Systems and Cavities of the Body Quotes

As I embalm you in my memory, the first thing I shall do is to hook out your brain through your accommodating orifices. Now that I have lost you I cannot allow you to develop, you must be a photograph and not a poem. You must be rid of life as I am rid of life. We shall sink together you and I, down, down into the dark voids where once the vital organs were.

Related Characters: The Narrator (speaker), Louise Rosenthal, Elgin Rosenthal
Page Number: 119
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 3: The Skin Quotes

I’m living on my memories like a cheap has-been. I’ve been sitting in this chair by the fire, my hand on the cat, talking aloud, fool-ramblings. There’s a doctor’s textbook fallen open on the floor. To me it’s a book of spells.

Related Characters: The Narrator (speaker), Louise Rosenthal, Elgin Rosenthal
Page Number: 124-125
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 4: The Skeleton Quotes

Bone of my bone. Flesh of my flesh. To remember you it’s my own body I touch. The physical memory blunders through the doors the mind has tried to seal. A skeleton key to Bluebeard’s chamber. The bloody key that unlocks pain. Wisdom says forget, the body howls. The bolts of your collar bone undo me. Thus she was, here and here.

Related Characters: The Narrator (speaker), Louise Rosenthal, Elgin Rosenthal
Page Number: 129-130
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 5: The Special Senses Quotes

All other colors are absorbed. The dull tinges of the day never penetrate my blackened skull. I live in four blank walls like an anchorite. You were a brightly lit room and I shut the door. You were a coat of many colours wrestled into the dirt.

Related Characters: The Narrator (speaker), Louise Rosenthal, Elgin Rosenthal
Page Number: 138
Explanation and Analysis: