Written on the Body


Jeanette Winterson

Esau Rosenthal Character Analysis

Esau Rosenthal is Elgin’s father and Sarah’s husband. He and Sarah are an Orthodox Jewish couple. Esau runs a pharmacy in Stamford Hill in London. Esau is mostly very hard on Elgin but reveals his tenderness in rare moments. Esau and Sarah strongly disapprove of Elgin’s marriage to Louise, and Esau is estranged from his son until Sarah is hospitalized due to complications from bone cancer. After Sarah’s funeral, Elgin accompanies Esau back to his pharmacy and explains in veiled language that Sarah died because her body was too weak to heal. This is the last time Esau sees his son.
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Esau Rosenthal Character Timeline in Written on the Body

The timeline below shows where the character Esau Rosenthal appears in Written on the Body. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 1
...to walk past Louise’s school just as he knew she would be leaving. Elgin’s parents, Esau and Sarah, did not approve of the match, but Elgin soon decided to leave his... (full context)
Elgin and his parents, Sarah and Esau, hadn’t spoken for some time, but Esau called Elgin when Sarah went to the hospital.... (full context)