Wuthering Heights

Wuthering Heights


Emily Brontë

Wuthering Heights: Chapter 20 Summary & Analysis

Nelly takes Linton to Wuthering Heights the next morning. To make the fearful Linton feel better Nelly assures him of Heathcliff's goodness. But Heathcliff proves Nelly is lying from the moment he appears—he refers to Linton as his "property," calls Isabella a "wicked slut," and admits he wants Linton not because he loves him but because he wants to use him to get Thrushcross Grange. Linton begs Nelly not to leave him with Heathcliff, but she can do nothing but ride away.
In contrast to Edgar, Heathcliff has no benevolent feelings toward Linton, even though the boy is his biological son. Heathcliff has become completely consumed by his need for revenge.