The Magic Mountain

The Magic Mountain


Thomas Mann

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on The Magic Mountain makes teaching easy.
Leila Gerngross is a resident of the Berghof. She’s gravely ill and expected to die. Hans and Joachim send the young woman flowers and then visit her during Hans’s phase of spending time with the sanatorium’s “poor sick” in an effort to dignify their suffering. They encounter Leila’s parents during this visit, and Hans feels annoyed and a bit dejected when Frau Gerngross seemingly makes light of the cousins’ visit.
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Leila Gerngross Character Timeline in The Magic Mountain

The timeline below shows where the character Leila Gerngross appears in The Magic Mountain. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 5, Chapter 8: Danse Macabre
Death and Illness  Theme Icon
Abstract Ideals vs. Lived Experience  Theme Icon
Hans sets his sights on a young woman named Leila Gerngross, who is deathly ill and likely won’t live until next spring. Her parents had... (full context)
Death and Illness  Theme Icon
East vs. West  Theme Icon
Abstract Ideals vs. Lived Experience  Theme Icon
Hans and Joachim get up to leave after Leila shows signs of exhaustion, and Frau Gerngross follows them out. Beside herself, she laments being... (full context)
Coming of Age  Theme Icon
Death and Illness  Theme Icon
After Leila Gerngross dies, Hans happens upon Behrens in the hallway. Behrens tells Hans he’s on his... (full context)