A Game of Thrones

A Game of Thrones


George R. R. Martin

Ben Stark Character Analysis

Ben Stark is Ned and Lyanna’s brother, Rickard’s son, and Jon Snow, Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran, and Rickon’s uncle. He is a ranger on the Night’s Watch. He leads a party of rangers to search for Will and Waymar after they go missing only for him and his party to go missing as well. The bodies of two of the men in his party are found and brought back to Castle Black, where they reanimate as Others. At the end of the novel, Commander Mormont tells Jon Snow that he plans to go beyond the Wall to find Ben or Ben’s body and determine what happened to him.
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Ben Stark Character Timeline in A Game of Thrones

The timeline below shows where the character Ben Stark appears in A Game of Thrones. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 2: Catelyn
Politics and Power Theme Icon
Honor and Integrity Theme Icon
...the king. Ned says he will send a raven with a message to his brother Ben at the Night’s Watch because Ben will also want to see Robert. (full context)
Climate Change and Collective Action Theme Icon
Recently, Ben has told Ned that the number of men on the Night’s Watch has been rapidly... (full context)
Chapter 5: Jon
Honor and Integrity Theme Icon
Identity Theme Icon
Ben, Ned’s brother who serves in the Night’s Watch, comes over to talk to Jon and... (full context)
Chapter 6: Catelyn
Politics and Power Theme Icon
Honor and Integrity Theme Icon
Identity Theme Icon
...rumors she’s heard about his mother. Maester Luwin says that Jon has expressed interest to Ben in joining the Night’s Watch. Catelyn thinks it’s the perfect solution to the issue, and... (full context)
Chapter 13: Tyrion
Politics and Power Theme Icon
Gender and Power Theme Icon
Instead of traveling with the king’s procession, Tyrion goes with Ben and Jon Snow to see the Wall and the Night’s Watch. On their way, Tyrion... (full context)
Chapter 19: Jon
Honor and Integrity Theme Icon
Identity Theme Icon
...Wall except for Tyrion. The Wall is a cold and mean place, and his uncle Ben has practically ignored him since they arrived. According to Ben, old family ties have no... (full context)
Chapter 21: Tyrion
Politics and Power Theme Icon
Climate Change and Collective Action Theme Icon
...of people on the Watch has dwindled, while more people continue to go missing, including Ben Stark. Mormont sent Ben to find Waymar Royce when Royce didn’t return from beyond the... (full context)
Politics and Power Theme Icon
Climate Change and Collective Action Theme Icon
Identity Theme Icon
...try and find some way to help Bran. Jon then says that if his uncle Ben doesn’t return, he’ll go with his direwolf Ghost to try and find him.   (full context)
Chapter 24: Bran
Politics and Power Theme Icon
Climate Change and Collective Action Theme Icon
Honor and Integrity Theme Icon
Identity Theme Icon
...men from the Night’s Watch stay, and one of them tells Robb that his uncle, Ben, has gone missing beyond the Wall and is most likely dead. Robb doesn’t want to... (full context)
Chapter 41: Jon
Climate Change and Collective Action Theme Icon
Honor and Integrity Theme Icon
...they die. Everyone is sure that Jon will be named a ranger, like his uncle Ben. But Jon is hesitant to take the vow, especially considering that Sam was absent from... (full context)
Chapter 52: Jon
Climate Change and Collective Action Theme Icon
Identity Theme Icon
...them to the corpses of two men. They are two of the six men that Ben Stark brought with him when he went past the Wall close to six months ago.... (full context)
Chapter 70: Jon
Politics and Power Theme Icon
Climate Change and Collective Action Theme Icon
Honor and Integrity Theme Icon
Identity Theme Icon
...to lead a group of men past the Wall. Mormont says he plans to find Ben Stark, whether he’s dead or alive, and to investigate what Mance Rayder is doing. Jon... (full context)