A Game of Thrones

A Game of Thrones


George R. R. Martin

Syrio Forel is Arya’s sword-fighting instructor. He is from Bravos and calls sword fighting a kind of dance, referring to the water dance style of sword fighting practiced in Bravos. He presumably dies defending Arya when Lannister men come to take her prisoner after Ned is arrested. Arya recalls Syrio’s teachings as she makes her escape.
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Syrio Forel Character Timeline in A Game of Thrones

The timeline below shows where the character Syrio Forel appears in A Game of Thrones. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 22: Arya
Politics and Power Theme Icon
Climate Change and Collective Action Theme Icon
Gender and Power Theme Icon
Identity Theme Icon
...to go to a nearby room for a lesson. There, she finds a man named Syrio Forel, who begins to teach her sword fighting, which he calls dancing. (full context)
Chapter 30: Eddard
Politics and Power Theme Icon
Gender and Power Theme Icon
Identity Theme Icon
...the tournament, Ned sees Arya, who skipped the festivities. She diligently practices the “dance” that Syrio has been teaching her. (full context)
Chapter 32: Arya
Gender and Power Theme Icon
Identity Theme Icon
Arya is trying to catch cats in the Red Keep as part of Syrio’s training for her. Princess Myrcella and her brother, Tommen, see her and mistake her for... (full context)
Chapter 44: Sansa
Politics and Power Theme Icon
Honor and Integrity Theme Icon
...meaning Robert. Ned tells Sansa and Arya that they’ll travel by ship. Arya asks if Syrio, her sword-fighting instructor, can come, and Ned says he can come if he wants to... (full context)
Chapter 49: Eddard
Politics and Power Theme Icon
Honor and Integrity Theme Icon
...argues with Ned. Arya wants to know if there’s time for one last lesson with Syrio before they leave, and Ned says there is. Grand Maester Pycelle comes to find Ned... (full context)
Chapter 50: Arya
Politics and Power Theme Icon
Honor and Integrity Theme Icon
Identity Theme Icon
Arya trains with Syrio for the final time before she returns to Winterfell. She fails to parry an attack... (full context)
Politics and Power Theme Icon
Gender and Power Theme Icon
Honor and Integrity Theme Icon
Identity Theme Icon
Arya steps away and watches Syrio fight five men from the Kingsguard. As she watches, she realizes that Syrio hasn’t made... (full context)